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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2024 - 2025 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: STARLING ELEMENTARY           Principal: Dr. Crystal Cooper

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

Starling Elementary will continue efforts to build an intentional, well-established, exemplary social and emotional learning (SEL) program that strategically provides cross-divisional support coupled with robust professional learning and resources for staff, students, and families. We will develop additional resources through the human resources department and the SEL office to provide mental health supports for staff, e.g. employee assistance programs, wellness coaching, stress management, etc. Starling Elementary will provide additional opportunities to elevate student voice, ownership, and agency in the design of their school experience and be responsive to their requests. SEL is an approach that should be seen, felt and experienced throughout the school day. The school should be a friendly, caring and open space that makes individuals feel a sense of belonging and significance. 

  •       Implementation of a schoolwide PBIS program with an emphasis on recognizing positive behaviors through with a PBIS/SEL Coach
  •       SEL Responsive Classroom Training 
  •       Leader in Me School Training and Support via GCPS grant
  •       Implementation of the Student Council and National Junior Beta Club
  •       SEL Lessons using Character Strong during RAMS Time 
  •       Empathy discussions at Admin meetings
  •       Kindness Club
  •       Staff/Student Recognition
    • Attendance
    • SEL
    • Recognition bulletin boards
    • Positive Calls home
    • Morning announcements
    • PTA support
    • Rams of the Month
    • Birthday recognitions
    • Listen & Learn tours
    • Starling newsletter
    • Monthly morale boosters
    • Mindfulness Mondays
    • Needs Assessment Surveys
    • Lanyard Pins
    • Gift of Time
  • Friday Huddles
  • Preplanning and Digital Learning Days professional learning 
  • Daily Morning Meetings

EES Survey- EOY 2024

Student Survey:

Setbacks don't discourage me 27.1%

I am good at figuring out the best solution to problems I'm facing 29.3% 

I solve problems by first breaking them into smaller steps 27.5%

In my classes, students are busy doing schoolwork 28.7%

Most students are respectful of others at this school18.5%


Staff Survey: 

There is a willingness to address conflict in this school 62.3%

Where there is a problem in my school, we talk about how to solve it 66.3%

Peer observation/coaching and feedback is  tool we use to improve instruction 68.7%

Staff at all levels are treated fairly here 64.9%

My colleagues are willing to work at changing this school for the better 72.2% 

Q12 Data:

Highest Q12 Items- Materials and Equipment and Learn and Grow

Lowest Q12 Items- Recognition and Cares About Me

Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

Implement a comprehensive framework to fully operationalize a multi-tiered system of supports to address academic and non-academic student needs and remove barriers to success. Starling Elementary will  implement a comprehensive framework to fully operationalize a multi-tiered system of supports to address academic and non-academic student needs and remove barriers to success.

    •  MTSS Implementation Team regularly scheduled meetings on Tuesday mornings.

    • MTSS Team professional learning on interventions (Fundations, mCLASS, Wilson, Orton-Gillingham, LLI, Spire)

    • MTSS Team professional learning on and implementation of MTSS processes (i.e. data conversations, Student Support Team meetings, Kid Talks, Amplify) 

    • Kid talks/ Tier 1+ and 2 meetings

    • CQI (RAMS Time) expectations implemented and followed 

    • CLT expectations implemented and followed

    • Use of resource expectations implemented and followed 

    • School-wide expectations (RAMS) posted throughout the building and classrooms to reinforce positive behavioral expectations  

    • PBIS lessons and RAMS expectations are posted in every classroom and throughout the building

    • Use Golden Tickets as a reward when students are showing RAMS Can Behavior-- PBIS expectations

    • PBIS Coach will participate in district training

    • Leader in Me training 
    • Monthly PBIS meetings with committee members

    • PBIS Student Celebrations Every 9 weeks

    • Attendance incentives for students who meet the goals for perfect attendance 

    • Leverage instructional settings (Gifted, MLL, EIP) to ensure that interventions are being implemented with fidelity 
    • Formative assessments should be implemented and reviewed for next steps

    • iReady testing review and intervention support and decision making

    • SPED/EIP/Gifted, MLL/F & R student data will be disaggregated and reviewed for support and progress

    • Parent informational sessions (Parent Portal, Attendance, Literacy, Gifted, etc.)
    • Encourage endorsements 

    • Enlarging capacity in the media center
    • Improve and increase gifted testing (AC) 

    • Increase teacher connection to data collection
    • Increase technology integration into ELA and AM through PBL 
    • Sharing college and career access to each and every student 

    • Social worker and counseling support

100% of K–5 students  are universally screened in Math and ELA.


2023-2024 GMAS Subgroup Data
Grade/Subject All Student P/D Asian Black Hispanic Multiracial White F&R Gifted ML Special Ed
3rd ELA EOG 49% 56% 52% 29% 50% 52% 44% 89% 38% 27%
3rd Math EOG                    
4th ELA EOG 55% 67% 55% 45% 58% 55% 47% 95% 40% 8%
4th Math EOG                    
5th ELA EOG 63% 60% 66% 59% 63% 61% 53% 98% 54% 18%
5th Math EOG                    
5th Sci EOG 60% 73% 62% 44% 63% 68% 49% 98% 43% 29%

100% of 3rd-5th grade students are universally screened for well-being.

100% of teachers and staff will implement PBIS. 

There were 54 students with incidents in the 2023-2024 school year , which is 4% of the student population)

The goal for the 2024-2025 school year is to decrease our referrals by 2% 

Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Equity Goal 2.B – Opportunity and access

Expand student opportunities to engage in and have access to high quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum, advanced coursework (e.g. Advanced Placement and dual enrollment), and enrichment activities (e.g. the arts, gifted, STEM, career technical education).

Starling Elementary will expand student opportunities to engage in and access high-quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum, advanced coursework (e.g., Advanced Placement and dual enrollment), and enrichment activities (e.g., the arts, gifted, STEM, career technical education).


By the end middle of the year (MOY- January 2025, the percent of students reading on/above grade level will increase by 15% as measured by the iREADY (MOY) Benchmark assessment (Universal Screener)


    •  Attend Collaborative Learning Teams meetings to ensure equity amongst grade level in all content areas.

    • BLN-Cluster Vertical Team

    • Literacy Leadership Team

    • Math Professional Learning 

    • Social Studies and Science Professional Learning 
    • District resources and school Professional Development will be used to create consistency of practice among teachers within each grade.
    • Instructional Coaching Cycles 

    •  Admire and Acquire & Feedback 

    • School Improvement Team

    • Gifted referral and identification process

  1. Gifted Students

    Starling will continue to serve students in the pull out model who have been identified for the Gifted program in grades 1st - 5th

    Teacher Certification

    Starling will continue working towards increasing the % of teachers who are gifted certified to ensure that all students who are gifted are taught by a gifted teacher on each grade level. This will provide teachers with strategies to accelerate and enrich learning for all students. 
    • Play 2 Learn-will sustain the Play2Learn program for children birth-to-5 for 90 minutes each week to build foundational school skills. 

    • PBIS/SEL Coach to support all PBIS efforts 

    • Clubs

    • National Junior Beta Club for grades 4 & 5
    • KREP 

    • Review Fall alerts for SST meetings

    • Focus on Tier 1 instruction

    • Mentor/Mentee program (novice teachers 1-3 years will be provided a mentor)

    • Coaching cycles with new teachers (all and new to district) 

    • Frequent classroom walks to ensure high quality instruction and evidence-based best practices. Feedback will be provided through formative/informal observation tools.

    • Paired instructional walks using the new learning walk tool

    • Conduct teacher walks, to help foster data-driven conversations in collaboration meetings.

    • CQI - RAMS Time iReady, Amplify

    • Implement data notebooks

    • Align CLT to Professional learning to discuss formative assessments in all content areas

    • Data reviews 45/60/90/135

    • Peer observations and walkthroughs with schedules and feedback forms

    • Collaborative learning teams with Plan, Do, Check and Act cycle

    • Teachers attending district supported professional learning opportunities

  2. Tutoring for low performing students 
  3. HS tutoring for kindergarten students 
  3rd Grade Baseline 2024-2025 Goal P/D 4th Grade Baseline 2024-2025 Goal P/D 5th  Grade Baseline 2024-2025 Goal P/D
ELA 48% 55% 55% 62% 63% 70%
SC         60%  


Reading On/Above Grade Level 



Reading On/Above Grade Level 

22-23 39% (351 students) 65% (+26%)
23-24 35% (411 students) 70% (+35%)


All students will show a 5% improvement rate in their perspective of the following specific questions on the Educational Effectiveness Survey (EES): UPDATE

  • All students are held to the same behavior rules and expectations.(68%)  Went down 2% from 23-24

  • Work I do in this school is useful and interesting to me. (39%) Went down 13% from 23-24

  • In class we often work with other students to solve a problem/do a task. (37%) No change from 23-24

  • My teachers expect all students to succeed, no matter who they are. (92%) Went down 5% from 23-24

  • All students have access to rigorous courses and supports. (37%) Went down 10% from 23-24

  • Student placement in advanced classes is not influenced by race, gender, or socioeconomic levels.(80%) Went down 9% from 23-24

  • My teachers help me learn by challenging me with interesting activities in class. (45%) Went down 19% from 23-24

  • I often see the principal or administrators around the school talking with students (32%) Went down 10% from 23-24


Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System

Starling Elementary will continue to redefine the inputs, behaviors, and outcomes that determine the standards for student success as measured by the Results-Based Evaluation System (RBES) to support school improvement and student growth

  • Starling Elementary will implement consistent instructional walkthroughs with the administrative and support team.  This strategy will assist with leadership next steps and support.

  • Starling Elementary staff members will participate in weekly collaborative learning opportunities where participants will analyze data, work samples,and other planning elements.

  • Tiered support will be provided for each and every student, through remediation and enrichment opportunities, based on progression with the AKS.

  • CQI - iReady, Amplify

  • Aligned CLT’s

  • Classroom Visits/Debriefs

  • Formative Assessments 

  • ELT

  • Coaching Cycles

  •  Amplify & iReady Reports

  • SEI Data 

  • EES Screener
  • Paired walkthroughs

  • Admin present for CLT planning

100 % Percent of students will show a 5-10% improvement on iReady screeners from the beginning of the year to the end.  

3rd-5th grade student performance will perform at or above pre-pandemic levels in all subjects:

Grade and Subject 2019- P/D Percentage 2023 P/D Percentage Difference P/D Percentage 2024 P/D from 2019 Difference from 2019
3rd grade ELA 61% 45% -16% 48% -13%
3rd grade MA 69% 59% -10%    
4th grade ELA 61% 43% -18% 55% `6%
4th grade MA 72% 56% -16%    
5th grade ELA 61% 60% -1% 63% +2%
5th grade MA 61% 50% -11%    
5th grade SC 63% 58% -5% 60 -3%


GMAS Reading Proficiency 
Percentage of students on grade level or above 
All students will reach pre-pandemic percentage goals
3rd Grade- Goal 81% or above 
2024: 76%
2023: 76.4%
2022: 74.5%
2021: 78.6%
2019: 81%
4th Grade Goal 76% or above
2024: 70%
2023: 66.7%
2022: 80.3%
2021: 75%
2019: 75.6%
5th Grade 86% or above 
2024: 84%
2023: 86%
2022: 87%
2021: 87.8%
2019: 86.6%