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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2024 - 2025 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: PEACHTREE ELEMENTARY           Principal: Gretchen Runaldue

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

Peachtree Elementary School's staff and student well-being are critical indicators of students' academic success.  An intentional focus on staff and students' social and emotional learning will increase their connection to Peachtree and support positive student outcomes.

  1. Continue to fund an additional school counselor.
  2. Implement Joyful Learning and Morning Meetings K-5.
  3. Continue to implement PBIS and work towards Distinguished.
  4. Highlight the Learner Profile from the Primary Years Programme (IB).
  5. Continue to recognize and celebrate staff and students.
  6. Provide opportunities for students to attend clubs and after-school activities.
  7. Monitor student absenteeism.  Work with Counselors to support families with concerns regarding student absenteeism.
  8. Monitor staff absenteeism.  If staff are not present, they are not able to make an impact on student achievement.
KPI 2024 Baseline 2025 Target  2025 Results
Supportive Learning Environment - Student Survey 51% 52%  
Collaboration & Communication - Staff Survey 81% 82%  
Student Absenteeism Average days absent 6 Average days absent 5  
Staff Absenteeism 3.19 Sick Days Per Teacher 3.15 Sick Days Per Teacher  


Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

Through the MTSS process, Peachtree Elementary will identify students who need acceleration and/or enrichment.  All students will receive the following from Peachtree's educators: purpose planning of lessons (inquiry-based when applicable), targeted small group instruction, ongoing formative assessments, the reteaching of standards, and continued progress monitoring.

  1. Implement a daily intervention block for literacy and math.
  2. An MTSS Team will meet quarterly in CLTs to conduct data reviews and devise action plans to provide specific interventions for all students.
  3. Conduct quarterly data reviews using iReady diagnostics, GMAS benchmarks, and common assessments.
  4. Increase opportunities for small group targeted instruction that supports the effective implementation of the MTSS and provide additional interventions and supports for students as needed.
  5. Teachers will provide opportunities for re-teaching and re-assessment of standards.
  6. Review and revise Peachtree ES grading practices and policy.  The Administrative Team will monitor grade books every four and a half weeks.
  7. Continue to implement PBIS school-wide.
  8. The PBIS committee will meet monthly to review data, discuss next steps, and share data/updates with staff.

Increase the number of students scoring in Proficient and Distinguished on the Georgia Milestones:


KPI 23-24 Baseline 24-25 Target 2025 Results
PBIS Status Operational Distinguished  
Improvement Progress:  iReady Reading

K:  64%

1st:  50%

2nd:  60%

3rd:  48%

4th:  36%

5th:  38%

K:  74%

1st:  60%

2nd:  70%

3rd:  58%

4th:  46%

5th:  48%

Improvement Progress:  iReady Math

K:  58%

1st:  63%

2nd:  69%

3rd:  60%

4th:  66%

5th:  66%

K:  68%

1st:  73%

2nd:  79%

3rd:  70%

4th:  76%

5th:  76%




Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Peachtree Elementary will provide opportunities for students to have access to high-quality instruction and engaging learning experiences that will provide a deeper understanding of the content standards.  

  1. Implement purposefully planned lessons that follow instructional frameworks.
  2. Build teacher capacity for quality lessons through CLT, observation, and coaching.
  3. All students will spend time in small group instruction in math, literacy, and intervention for either remediation or enrichment.
  4. Engage in transdisciplinary units to connect contents and the central idea from the IB planner.
  5. Ensure that all students have access to books through weekly checkouts from the Media Center.
  6. Provide learning experiences that are tied to the grade level standards to provide background knowledge of the content.
  7. Continue to provide student clubs and activities that encourage a sense of belonging and positive social behaviors.

Increase the percentage of students scoring Proficient and Distinguished on the ELA and Math GMAS.

KPI 2024 Baseline 2025 Target 2025 Results

3rd:  27.3% Proficient and Distinguished

4th:  26.3% Proficient and Distinguished

5th:  47.5% Proficient and Distinguished

3rd:  37% P/D

4th:  36% P/D 

5th:  57% P/D


3rd:  32% Proficient and Distinguished

4th:  35% Proficient and Distinguished

5th:  38% Proficient and Distinguished

3rd:  42% P/D

4th:  45% P/D

5th:  48% P/D

GMAS Science 5th:  43% Proficient and Distinguished 5th:  53% P/D  


Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination

Peachtree Elementary School will be the first choice of students and families for excellent schools and the employer of choice for educators and staff to fulfill their careers.  

  1. Implement the framework of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme.
  2. Provide learning experiences for students in and out of the building that correlate to the standards and build background knowledge.
  3. Provide engaging professional development for educators.
  4. The Pedagogical Team will complete walkthroughs using a form generated to support the instructional and classroom essentials.
  5. Continue to provide planning days for educators to support the development of quality lesson plans.
  6. Monthly student engagement opportunities:  Career on Wheels, IB World Day, Winter Wonderland, 5th Grade Exhibition, Arts in Education, Honors Day
  7. Continue to increase the number of clubs and activities for students.
  8. PBIS weekly celebrations to acknowledge positive behavior successes.
  9. Staff recognition and celebrations throughout the school year.
KPI 2024 Baseline 2025 Target 2025 Results
Pedagogical Team Walk-Throughs 12 15  
Planning Days for Educators 4 5  
Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity -

We will build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement by implementing the activities identified in The Plan/The Promise.

  1. Build and engage parents by supporting our LSPI through the school council and PTA.
  2. Facilitate family engagement through our Parent Center with workshops that directly support student learning in the content areas.
  3. Continue to have community engagement activities such as school transition meetings, curriculum nights, Literacy Nights, STEAM Nights, etc...
  4. Ensure that weekly communication is sent to parents via ParentSquare.
  5. Educators will send weekly or bi-weekly newsletters home to families sharing important classroom information which includes instruction.
  6. Build on community and school partnerships.
  7. Offer English classes for parents and families to help support learning at home.
  8. Continue to offer Play2Learn for children from birth to age 5.

Peachtree Elementary will see a growth in the number of families that join PTA and also complete the EES Family Response Survey.

KPI 23-24 Baseline 24-25 Target Results
Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Members 150 160  
EES Family Responses Survey  74 Responses 80 Responses