District Strategic Priorities/Goals | Rationale | Action Steps (Implementation Design) |
How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets) |
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports | Knight Elementary will identify academic and non-academic strengths, needs, and interests of each and every student to ensure whole learner, whole child focus. |
Milestone Performance Index (%Developing/Proficient/Distinguished) Grades 3-5: ELA Baseline 72.1% ELA Target 80% Math Baseline 81% Math Target 89% Grade 5: Science Baseline 75.7% Science Target 80%
% Reading on Grade Level (Milestones) Grade 3: Baseline 74.3% Target 80% Grade 4: Baseline 60.9% Target 80% Grade 5: Baseline 76.7% Target 82%
iReady 1st semester Growth: % Meeting Typical Target Grades 1-5: ELA Baseline 64.7% ELA Benchmark 70% Math Baseline 46.5% Math Benchmark 50% iReady 1st Semester Growth % Meeting Stretch Target Grades 1-5: ELA Baseline 46.5% ELA Benchmark 50% Math Baseline 27.4% Math Benchmark 30%
ML English Proficiency Progress ( Access) Progress towards English Language Proficiency Access Baseline 97.5% Access Benchmark 100% |
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access | Knight Elementary will increase students’ opportunities to learn and achieve by consistently implementing a high-quality curriculum that reflects grade-level expectations, focusing on early literacy and the science of reading. |
Milestones Proficiency Rate (% Proficient/Distinguished) 3rd Grade: ELA Baseline 47.1% ELA Target 63% Math Baseline 52% Math Target 64% 4th Grade: ELA Baseline 42.2% ELA Target 58% Math Baseline 56% Math Target 66% 5th Grade: ELA Baseline 58.7% ELA Target 64% Math Baseline 42% Math Target 69% Science Baseline 55.3% Science Target 65%
Increase the percentage of students in the gifted/talented program Spring 2024: 21% (196 students) Targeted Spring 2025: 25% |
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access | We will reduce disruptions to learning resulting from exclusionary discipline actions (in-school suspension and out-of-school suspension) by implementing evidence-based strategies (e.g. restorative practices and PBIS). |
PBIS Implementation Status Spring 2024 – Distinguished Target Spring 2025 - Distinguished Decrease the number of students with in-school suspensions Spring 2024 Results: 12 students Target Spring 2025: 10 students Decrease the number of students with out-of-school suspensions Spring 2024 Results: 10 students Target Spring 2025: 8 students Decrease the percent of students absent 10% or more of enrolled days Targeted Spring 2025: 10% |
Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity - | We will build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement by implementing the activities identified in The Plan/The Promise. |
Increase the percentage of families participating in the annual EES Family Survey Spring 2024: 25% Targeted Spring 2025: 35% |