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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2024 - 2025 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: RADLOFF MIDDLE SCHOOL           Principal: Dr. Jennifer Callahan

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

Radloff Middle School will promote student and staff wellbeing through prioritizing Positive Behaviors Intervention & Supports for each scholar and staff member.

    1. Thursday two by twos (lighthouse keepers write 2 lighthouse appreciation cards and 2 positive behavior referrals for students each Thursday)
    2. 1 by 3–for every one period teacher will give 3 opportunities for students to earn PBIS stamps
    3. Continue to issue faculty members blue ticket staff rewards for honoring instructional and cultural commitments.
    4. Schoolwide Morning Meetings (modeled with staff during pre-planning)
    5. First 20 Days of School (Morning Meeting/Advisement lessons) dedicated time to build community between staff and students
    6. Continue teacher shout-outs on morning announcement
    7. Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS) Passports for each student
    8. PBIS & Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) systems in place with the goal to increase student belonging, positive student interactions and sense of staff and student safety.
    9. Intentional inclusion of student voice through Principal Student Advisory Council (PSAC)
    10. Intentional inclusion of staff & perspective through various teams (ILT; MTSS; BLT, Grade level Leads; one-on-one feedback opportunities
    11. MCPP Trained team to support schoolwide de-escalation strategies
    12. Embed restorative circles as a consistent way to address peer to peer & staff to peer conflicts


Student Wellbeing (Student Survey) - Percent of students responding positively to the following student wellbeing EES

Student Survey items (weighted average):

(1) I feel safe at this school


 TARGET: 65%


(2) I enjoy coming to this school




 Student Wellbeing (Chronic Absenteeism) - Percent of students chronically absent. Calculated as the number of students missing 10% or more of enrolled days divided by the total number of enrolled students who were enrolled at least 30 days.

 BASELINE: 25% (at-risk attendance)

TARGET: 20% (at-risk attendance)


Staff Support (Staff Survey) - Percent of staff responding positively to the following staff support EES Staff

Survey items (weighted average):


(1) When there is a problem in my school, we talk about how to solve it




(2) My principal facilitates systems/processes to support school improvement




(3) Support from my principal/supervisor leads to progress in instructional improvement (or professional growth)




 Gallup Poll Staff---Percent of staff responding positively to the following questions:

Q04:  In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.

  • BASELINE:  62%
  • TARGET:  67%

 Q07:  At work, my opinions seem to count.

  • BASELINE:  57%
  • TARGET:  65%
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

Radloff Middle School will implement a comprehensive framework to fully operationalize a multi-tiered system of supports to address academic and non-academic student needs and remove barriers to success.


  1. iReady diagnostic to support students’ tier  placement


  1. Academic intervention system during extended learning time


  1. CLASE A Instructional Conversations implemented in Math classes


  1. Additional language acquisition classes to support EL students


  1. Imagine Learning funded by Title I to support multi-lingual learners in strengthening English language


  1. Additional ESOL certified staff to reduce class size and provide additional language support


  1. Title I EL Night to enhance student and parent engagement and language acquisition capacity.


  1. Job-embedded professional learning for ELL instructional scaffolding.


  1. Title I funded MTSS Coordinator, PBIS Coach, SEL Lead Teacher, social worker and additional counselor


  1. Frequent and pervasive use of Positive Behavior Referrals


  1. Intentional Planning, Collaboration and Monitoring of Instruction


  1. Focus on embedding differentiated small groups into instructional framework.


  1. Weekend and afterschool Extended Learning Time programs funded by Title I


  1. Transportation to support students with accessing before and after school Extended Learning Time (ELT) programs


  1. Multi-tier Systems of Support (MTSS) collaboration to support students at a variety of levels and in various of domains including academics, behavioral, and emotional


  1. Additional Title III Parent Liaison to Strengthen home to school support for migrant multi-lingual (ML)


  1. Counselors to design small groups using EES Screener data; attendance, class performance, and PBIS data as sources for selection


Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports (PBIS) Designation

BASELINE: emerging

TARGET: operational


GMAS Student Improvement – % of Proficient and Distinguished on the Georgia Milestones



P/D %













Enhanced MA







 Non-GMAS Course Student Improvement% of scholars reaching 74% or above



% of Scholars Scoring 74% or above










English Learner (EL) Progress Towards Language Proficiency - CCRPI

English Learners progress towards English language proficiency.

 Based on EL students’ growth on the ACCESS test, the GaDOE calculated the CCRPI as a “rate” that rewards more credit for greater amounts of student progress. According to GaDOE, EL students making no progress towards proficiency earn 0 points; those making progress but not moving one band earn 0.5 points; those moving one band earn 1 point; and those moving more than one band earn 1.5 points. The possible overall rate ranges from 0-100. The reported overall value for the district is a weighted average of the Elementary, Middle, and

High school district results published by the GaDOE for GCPS, using October FTE K-12 GCPS enrollment by level as weights.

Progress Towards English Proficiency Index

  • BASELINE: 41.1%
  • TARGET: 50%



EL - Exit Rate

  • BASELINE: 8 Students (ACCESS Performance Band 6-7)
  • TARGET: 63 Students (Exit from ML)


iReady Reading

Percentage of students meeting Typical and/or Stretch Growth by January and End of the Year

 iReady Reading Meeting Typical Growth:

  • ·       Baseline: 6th Grade=37%   Target: 60%
  • ·       Baseline: 7th Grade=51% Target: 60%
  • ·       Baseline: 8th Grade= 14%   Target:  60%


 iReady Math Meeting Typical Growth:

  • ·       Baseline: 6th Grade=37% Target:  60%
  • ·       Baseline: 7th Grade=44%   Target: 60%
  • ·       Baseline: 8th Grade= 47%   Target:  60%
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Radloff Middle will expand  scholar student opportunities to engage in and access high-quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum and appropriate scaffolds to meet the needs of each and every learner.

Train staff on Restorative Practices and increase use of restorative practices across campus

·       Character Strong

·       Navigate 360

·       SEL Literacy Books

2. Advisement program increase SEL and opportunities for students to connect.


3. Student and staff motivational speakers to connect and provide meaningful stories through their lived experiences 


4. Increase access to culturally relevant materials to better connect to our student’s background knowledge



5. Continue with student leadership teams to promote student voice.


6. Process for gifted identification

·       Use of universal screener to identify more gifted students

·       Use portfolios 


7. PBIS committee to share discipline data through KidTalks to support grade level awareness of wider picture

·       Add clearer structures to KidTalks to support more solution-oriented conversations

·       Bring more data to KidTalks to support data-informed conversations

o   Assign grade level leaders to support this work

o Counselor to focus on attendance to help with chronic absenteeism

o   Attendance reports from Early Warning Systems to guide attendance interventions and supports

Gifted & Talented Representation – number of students found eligible for Gifted

Baseline:  35 Students

Target:  40 Students


Number of student racial/ethnic groups that are underrepresented in Gifted/talented services based on the Gifted/Talented Disproportionality Index. G/T Disproportionality index = G/T representation divided by School representation.


As defined by Smith & Harper (2015), a student group is underrepresented when the disproportionality index is less than or equal to 0.8.




Discipline Disproportionality - Number of

All Student Groups Overrepresented in ISS

and OSS.

 Discipline disproportionality index = Discipline representation divided by school representation

 As defined by Smith & Harper (2015), a student group is overrepresented when

the disproportionality index is greater than or equal to 1.2.

 RESULTS: 2023 Discipline Data:

Male - 33.3% disciplined | 52% total = .63

Female - 25.4% discipline | 48% total=.52

Hispanic - 28.3.% disciplined | 76% total=.24

Black - 35.8% disciplined | 17% total = 2.10

White - 44.8% disciplined | 2.0% total = 8.8

Multiracial -38.9% disciplined | 1% total=38.9 *16 students

Asian - 29.3% disciplined | 4% total=7.325

Multilingual -29% disciplined | 65% total=.44

Free/Reduced - 18.3% disciplined | 89% total=.20

SWD - 16.4% disciplined | 13% total=1.26


BASELINE: 4 student groups overrepresented in ISS and OSS by disproportionality index

TARGET: 2 student group overrepresented in ISS and OSS by disproportionality index

RESULTS:  5 student groups overrrepresented in ISS and OSS by disproportionality index

Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System

Radloff Middle will increase student achievement outcomes on various assessments throughout the year.

·       Roll-out Instructional Conversations in Math (3 Phase Roll-out

·       Increase teacher modeling and “showing” minilessons

o   Receive county support in showing teachers how to “model” and “show” not tell; better leverage gradual release instructional frameworks

o   Develop high quality Tier 1 learning targets that contain both skills and strategy to guide modeling and mini-lesson

·       ML department & ML Language Acquisition courses learn how to craft clear language goals and use various ML scaffolds

·       Purchase materials to support use of fast formatives for teacher teams

·       Add LSPI goal related to Chronic Absenteeism (add more support to address notification of absence)

·       Continue with county assigned school support

·       Scaffold Assessment Team to create assessment for Level 1 & Level 2 ML learners—time paid through Title I funding

·       Use fast formatives and intentional planning for small group differentiated instruction

  •  Individual ACCESS RBES goals for ML teaching department
  • iReady Reading and/or Math Goals for all educational staff
  • Continue Peer Observations (4 times annually–September, November, January, March)
  • LSPI instructional walks
    • (1 X 8)
  • Collaborative Planning for curriculum teams to plan for small group instruction funded by Title I
  • Intentional planning for small group differentiated instruction

·       Radloff Pride Admin Walks–immediate feedback conversation

·       PBIS 1 by 8–Follow-up conversations

·       Engagement & Monitoring of Lighthouse keeper participation in District Level PD

·       One-on-one Instructional Leadership Huddle (ILT) weekly with content AP and instructional leadership team representative

·       Intentional Planning to craft clear, specific learning targets

·       Intentional Planning to pace daily AKS focus 

·       Intentional plan to focus on leveraging the instructional framework

·       Intentional plan to focus on daily fast formatives to check for student understanding and launch into small groups

·       Content Teams tracking CFA and CSA initial and reassessment to ensure that scholars are improving mastery levels

    •  Admin LSPI instructional walks (1 x 8)
    • Continue with CFA reassessment during ELT and Connect to student (during the day) club attendance
    • Track scholar CFA and CSA data during curriculum planning sessions
    • Student-led conferences
    • Additional Collaborative Planning for curriculum teams to plan for small group instruction funded by Title I
    •  Use Curriculum-Assessment-Instruction--Remediation & Enrichment (C-A-I-R) protocol to increase teacher understanding of standards which lead to a more rigorous learning experience for scholars.

ACCESS Composite Cohort Growth (Class of 2029)

  • Baseline:  SY 2023-24 Composite Average =2.665
  • Target:  SY 2024-25= Composite Average =3.3

  iReady Reading

Percentage of students meeting Typical by January and/or Stretch Growth by the End of Year

  iReady Reading Meeting Typical Growth:

  • ·       Baseline: 6th Grade=37%   Target: 60%
  • ·       Baseline: 7th Grade=51% Target: 60%
  • ·       Baseline: 8th Grade= 14%   Target:  60%

  iReady Math Meeting Typical Growth:

  • ·       Baseline: 6th Grade=37% Target:  60%
  • ·       Baseline: 7th Grade=44%   Target: 60%
  • Baseline: 8th Grade= 47%  
Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination

Radloff Middle will increase parent engagement by offering various entry points for parents to engage with the school.

-Parent English Courses

-Monthly Parent Meetings

-Coffee & Counselor Meetings

-Structural and technology improvements to parent center

-Callahan’s Community Come Y’all

-Add student performance connection to increase parent participation

-Title I Events: Literacy Night, STEM (Math/Science/Engineering) Night, ESOL Night, International Night

-Morning Huddles

-Radloff Pride Advisement

Family Satisfaction – Family Survey

Percent of families responding positively to the following family satisfaction EES Family Survey items (weighted average):

(1) The principal of this school is committed to quality education




(2) I believe adults in this school care about my student




(3) Parents/families and employees at this school talk respectfully with one another




(4) This school is doing a good job of preparing my student for a successful future






Student Satisfaction –Student Survey

Percent of students responding positively to the following student satisfaction EES Student Survey items (weighted average):

(1) Adults in this school help me plan and set goals for my future




(2) Work I do in this school is useful and interesting to me





(4) I feel proud of my school