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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2024 - 2025 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: NORTON ELEMENTARY           Principal: Katoria Gaston

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

Norton will continue to promote and increase student and staff wellbeing through prioritizing self-care, physical and mental health, and social emotional learning.

  1. SEL lessons will be implemented across all grade levels from 8:15 to 8:25 Monday through Friday. Character Strong lessons will be used to implement this support from teachers to students.
  2. The SEL Committee will create a monthly calendar of events involving students and staff with implementing actions to improve self-care, physical and mental health, and social emotional learning.
  3. Staff will engage in professional development throughout the school year focused on SEL, PBIS, Restorative Practices and other capacity building training for all staff to respond to student and/or staff actions which will lead to improved wellbeing for all stakeholders.
  4. Norton will implement a student council to provide additional opportunities to elevate student voice, ownership, and agency in the design of our school experience and staff will be responsive to their ideas and requests.
  5. The Comet Involvement and SEL Committees will organize a calendar of events to help build relationships between stakeholders and opportunities for self-care events throughout the school year.

Increase in the percent of teachers indicating positive responses on the Educational Effectiveness Survey towards these statements:

I receive training on instruction to support social emotional learning

Staff SY 2022 Baseline: 50%

Staff SY 2023 Data: 73%

Staff SY 2024 Data: 91%

Staff SY 2025 Target: 100%

I incorporate social emotional instruction into my daily instructional delivery

Staff SY 2022 Baseline: 56%

Staff SY 2023 Data: 92%

Staff SY 2024 Data: 94%

Staff SY 2025 Target: 100%

Staff at all levels are treated fairly here

Staff SY 2022 Baseline: 67%

Staff SY 2023 Data: 66%  

Staff SY 2024 Data: 73%

Staff SY 2025 Target: 80%

Our staff can count on one another for help when needed

Staff SY 2022 Baseline: 74%

Staff SY 2023 Data: 73%

Staff SY 2024 Target: 85%

Staff SY 2025 Target: 90%


Increase in the percent of students indicating positive responses on the Educational Effectiveness Survey towards these statements:

I feel safe at this school

Student SY 2022 Baseline: 38%

Student SY 2023 Data: 45% 

Student SY 2024 Data 45%

Student SY 2025 Target: 50%

I enjoy coming to this school

Student SY 2022 Baseline: 39%

Student SY 2023 Data: 37%

Student SY 2024 Data: 30%

Student SY 2025 Target: 45%


Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

Norton will implement a comprehensive framework to fully operationalize a multi-tiered system of supports to address academic and non-academic student needs and remove barriers to success.

  1. Provide New Teacher Orientation, mentoring, and ongoing professional learning to support effective classroom strategies.
  2. Norton will implement PBIS and the PBIS team/committee will provide staff with training, opportunities to analyze data, and implement strategies to promote a positive and safe learning environment. 

  3. Teachers and support staff will use data to provide evidence-based interventions and enrichment at increasing level of intensity corresponding with greater student need based on identified tier (Comet Time, Imagine Learning, Wilson, etc.) 

  4. High-quality tier 1 instruction will be provided for all students that includes targeted small groups, grade level curriculum, ongoing formative assessments, and progress monitoring.

  5. Norton staff will formalize academic response to intervention (RTI) processes to reduce variability and improve fidelity of implementation a) 

    Teachers and support staff will use data to provide evidence-based interventions and enrichment at increasing level of intensity corresponding with greater student need based on identified tier (Comet Time, Imagine Learning, Wilson, etc.) 

Increase in the percent of students indicating positive responses on the Educational Effectiveness Survey towards these statements:

Most students are respectful of others at this school

Student SY 2022 Baseline: 17%

Student SY 2023 Data: 16%

Student SY 2024 Data: 14%

Student SY 2025 Target: 25%

Student success is celebrated in this school

Student SY 2022 Baseline:46%

Student SY 2023 Data: 56%

Student SY 2024 Data: 61%

Student SY 2025 Target: 70%


Increase in the percent of teachers indicating positive responses on the Educational Effectiveness Survey towards these statements:

Assessment data are used to identify student needs and appropriate instructional intervention

Staff SY 2022 Baseline: 89%

Staff SY 2023 Data: 86%

Staff SY 2024 Data: 90%

Staff SY 2025 Target: 95%

Struggling students receive early intervention and remediation to acquire skills.

Staff SY 2022 Baseline: 54%

Staff SY 2023 Data: 68%

Staff SY 2024 Target: 78%

Staff SY 2025 Target: 85%


Increase in the percent of 3rd through 5th grade students performing in the Proficient and Distinguished levels of the ELA Georgia Milestones Assessment.

2022 ELA Baseline for Proficient and Distinguished: 38%

2023 ELA Data for Proficient and Distinguished: 41%

2024 ELA Data for Proficient and Distinguished: 40%

2025 ELA Target for Proficient and Distinguished: 50%

Increase the precent of 3rd through 5th grade students performing in the Proficient and Distinguished levels of the Math Georgia Milestones Assessment. 

2024 Math Data for Proficient and Distinguished: 38%

2025 Math Target for Proficient and Distinguished: 47%

Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Norton will increase students' opportunities to lean and achieve by consistently implementing a high-quality curriculum that reflects grade-level expectations, focusing on early literacy and science of reading.

  1. EL implementation of instructional resources
  2. Professional development to support EL implementation
  3. Utilize classroom walkthroughs and feedback (informal and formal) to enhance and monitor Tier 1 instruction (GTES)
  4. Analyze and disaggregate data to determine the next steps for planning and in instruction during CLTs
  5. Review iReady data at least twice a year to identify students for additional services including gifted screening

EL Learning Implementation

Learning Walk Data to establish baseline


Feedback from classroom observations leads to meaningful change in instructional practice
Staff SY 2022Baseline: 59%
Staff SY 2023Data: 73%

Staff SY 2024 Data: 68%

Staff SY 2025 Target: 73%


Gifted Population

SY 2023: 5%

SY 2024: 8%

SY 2025 Target: 15%



Effectiveness 3.B - Talent Management

Norton will support novice and veteran teachers to increase teacher effectiveness so we can achieve the retention goals of the district.

  1. Offer New Teacher Orientation, mentoring, and ongoing professional learning to support the needs of teachers
  2. Provide opportunities monthly for staff to provide input and feedback directly to the principal in a safe, non-judgmental environment
  3. Provide feedback to staff through walkthroughs and observations
  4. Recognize a certified and classified staff member of the month at monthly faculty meetings
  5. Provide treats/snacks randomly throughout the year

Increase in the percent of teachers indicating positive responses on the Educational Effectiveness Survey towards these statements:

a) Staff share a high sense of urgency around the need to improve

Staff SY 2022 Baseline: 60%

Staff SY 2023 Data: 65% 

Staff SY 2024 Data: 60%

Staff SY 2025 Target: 65%

Feedback from classroom observations leads to meaningful change in instructional practice

Staff SY 2022 Baseline: 59%

Staff SY 2023 Data: 73%

Staff SY 2024 Data: 68%

Staff SY 2025 Target: 73%

Staff at all levels are treated fairly here

Staff SY 2022 Baseline: 67%

Staff SY 2023 Data: 66%

Staff SY 2024 Data: 73%

Staff SY 2025 Target: 75%

Staff are held accountable for the new behaviors and practices needed to achieve our school improvement plan goals

Staff SY 2022 Baseline: 81%

Staff SY 2023 Data: 88%

Staff SY 2024 Data: 83%

Staff SY 2025 Target: 85% 

Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination

Norton will be the first choice of students and families for excellent schools and the employer of choice for educators and staff to fulfill their careers.

  1. Norton will acknowledge employees by recognizing their work through weekly shout-outs in Comet Connections, positive feedback in handwritten notes and emails, providing incentives for accomplishments, and sharing recognitions on Norton's social media platforms. 
  2. Students in Pre-K through 5th grade will be recognized by their teacher as the class Comet of the Month.
  3. Norton will use surveys and other feedback tools to elevate staff voices in decision-making and collaborate with the school’s leadership team to implement staff feedback ideas and/or initiatives. 
  4. Norton will use surveys and other feedback tools to elevate family voices in decision-making and collaborate with families to implement ideas and/or initiatives for improvement. 

Increase in the percent of staff indicating positive responses on the Educational Effectiveness Survey towards these statements:

My principal facilitates systems/processes to support school improvement: 

Staff SY 2022 Baseline: 72%

Staff SY 2023 Data: 84% 

Staff SY 2024 Data: 78%

Staff SY 2025 Target: 85%

Increase in the percent of families indicating positive responses on the Educational Effectiveness Survey towards these statements:

I am comfortable expressing my ideas or concerns to the administrator(s) of this school.

Family SY 2022 Baseline: 74%

Family SY 2023 Data: 67% 

Family SY 2024 Data: 75%

Family SY 2025: Target: 80%

My student is challenged with a rigorous course of study at this school.

Family SY 2022 Baseline: 56%

Family SY 2023 Data: 63%

Family SY 2024 Data: 65%

Family SY 2025 Target: 70%

Teachers accommodate my student’s individual needs by adjusting instruction

Family SY 2022 Baseline: 62%

Family SY 2023 Data: 71%

 Family SY 2024 Data: 80%

Family SY 2025 Target: 85%

Increase in the percent of students indicating positive responses on the Educational Effectiveness Survey towards these statements: 

Students are involved in solving problems in this school

Student SY 2022 Baseline: 53%

Student SY 2023 Data: 55%

Student SY 2024 Data: 59%

Student SY 2025 Target: 65%

I feel proud of my school

Student SY 2022 Baseline: 49%

Student SY 2023 Data: 56%

Student SY 2024 Data: 48%

Student SY 2025 Target: 55%

Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity -

We will build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement by implementing the activities identified in The Plan/The Promise.

  1. Norton will host a Family Math and Science Night and a Family Literacy and Social Studies Night as school wide events where parents will learn of fun games and activities that they can play with their children to practice math fact fluency and problem solving.
  2. Norton will host Family English Learner Nights, a school wide event where parents will engage in activities that support Language acquisition with their students at home to practice strengthening reading comprehension in both fiction and non-fiction texts.
  3. Norton will use Parent Square, class newsletters, webpages, and virtual resources to provide opportunities and resources for parents and students, so they may practice skills, which align with our goals of reading comprehension and math problem solving.
  4. Norton will provided these proposed workshops or events:

    • August 2024 – Title I Annual Parent Meeting / Curriculum Night

    • October and March Early Release – Parent/Teacher Conferences

    • Family Literacy and Social Studies Night

    • ELL Workshops in the Fall and Spring

    • Family Math and Science Night

    • Georgia Milestones Workshop

    • Kindergarten Transition

    • Title I Planning Meeting

Feedback and data collected from events and workshops from stakeholders.