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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2024 - 2025 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: DISCOVERY HIGH           Principal: Robert Maffeo

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

Discovery High School is focused on promoting student and staff wellbeing, belonging, and engagement through positive relationships and a supportive learning environment.

  1. Staffing supports  for teachers and students will include:

    1. An induction coordinator to support the unique needs of new teachers,

    2. An MTSS coordinator to support both teacher’s ability to provide multi-tiered supports for students and access to supports for students.

    3. An additional counselor to provide additional access and support for students.

    4. APEX therapist to support students with individual therapy needs.

  2. Staff supports will include:

    1. Communications plan to increase staff voice.

    2. Team-building opportunities to improve collaboration.

    3. Wellness opportunities to improve the learning environment.

  3. Student supports will include:

    1. Increased student voice through expanded student leadership.

    2. Commitment to Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) to increase academic and behavioral success. 

    3. Opportunities for Social Emotional Learning (SEL) through Titan Time.

    4. Titan Talks 

    5. ACES program


Growth measured through Educational Effectiveness Survey (EES) for student results:

  1. “Most students are respectful of others at this school.”

    1. Baseline:  68% Positive or Neutral

    2. Goal:  75% Positive or Neutral

  2. “I feel proud of my school.”

    1. Baseline:  69% Positive or Neutral

    2. Goal:  75% Positive or Neutral

  3. “I enjoy coming to school this year.”

    1. Baseline:  64% Positive or Neutral

    2. Goal:  75% Positive or Neutral


Growth measured through Gallup Results:

  1. “In the last seven days.  I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.”

    1. Baseline:  3.30 out of 5.0

    2. Goal:  3.75 out of 5.0

  2. “At work, my opinions seem to count.”

    1. Baseline:  3.50 out of 5.0

    2. Goal:  3.75 out of 5.0

  3. “I have a best friend at work.”

    1. Baseline:  3.52 out of 5.0

    2. Goal 3.75 out of 5.0


Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

Discovery High School will continue its comprehensive framework to operationalize a multi-tiered system of support to address academic and non-academic student needs and remove barriers to success.

  1. Academic Press:

    1. Universal screening through Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) testing for all 9th Graders.

    2. ACES program to support struggling 9th and 10th Graders

    3. Support for students receiving instruction through Remedial Education Program (REP).

    4. Coordinated intervention through MTSS coordinator.

    5. Collaborative Learning Team (CLT) work will focus on Tier 1 instruction.

    6. The Unit Recovery program will target knowledge and skills not mastered within the unit of study.

    7. The Credit Recovery program will target classes failed in the previous semester.

  2. Supportive Community:

    1. Comprehensive PBIS plan will target tardies, AWOLS, and disruptive behaviors.

    2. Comprehensive SEL plan will target social and interpersonal sk; Department will intervene with students needing behavior support.

    3. The Special Education Department will intervene with students receiving special education services needing behavior support.

    4. School social workers will target students in crisis and students with extreme attendance concerns.


Growth measured by percentage of on-track students within the given cohort classes at every 6-week grading period based on Cohort Analyzer data and counselor tracking data and credit recovered.  

  1. Cohort Baseline/Target Data:

    1. Class of 2028 (1st Year Students)

      1. Baseline:  TBD

      2. Goal: 75%

    2. Class of 2027 (2nd Year Students)

      1. Baseline:  67% On-track

      2. Goal: 75%

    3. Class of 2026 (3rd Year Students)

      1. Baseline:  59% On-track

      2. Goal: 70%

    4. Class of 2025 (4th Year Students)

      1. Baseline:  61% On-track

      2. Goal:  85%

  2. Credit Recovery Baseline Data: 

    1. # of Credit Recovery Students Served.

      1. Baseline:  380

      2. Goal:  400

    2. Percentage of Completed Courses

      1. Baseline:  82%

      2. Goal:  85%

  3. Math Strategies and Read Write students' success rate through IXL and Achieve 3000 academic progress.

    1. Baseline:  72%

    2. Goal:  75%


Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Discovery High School will expand student opportunities to engage in and access high-quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum, advanced coursework (e.g. Advanced Placement and dual enrollment) and enrichment activities (e.g. the arts, gifted, CTE pathways).

Equal Opportunity Schools (EOS)

  1. Launch EOS with staff.

  2. Use the Equity Pathways Report to begin outreach planning with staff, parents, and students (Survey Data Deep Dive)

  3. Outreach planning and identification of students that may be successful in advanced classes. 

  4. Evaluate existing classroom supports for advanced classes.

  5. Evaluate and use Trusted Adult data to continue outreach and strategies for parent involvement.

  6. Support and belonging planning and implementation for the 2024-2025 School Year.

  7. Continuous outreach efforts and identifying classroom supports for upcoming first time takers in advanced level courses.

Access to the general education environment in Social Studies and Science for students receiving interrelated services through Special Education.


Growth measured by percentage of on-track students within the given cohort classes at every 6-week grading period based on Cohort Analyzer data and counselor tracking data and credit recovered.  

  1. Cohort Baseline/Target Data:

    1. Class of 2028 (1st Year Students)

      1. Baseline:  TBD

      2. Goal: 75%

    2. Class of 2027 (2nd Year Students)

      1. Baseline:  67% On-track

      2. Goal: 75%

    3. Class of 2026 (3rd Year Students)

      1. Baseline:  59% On-track

      2. Goal: 70%

    4. Class of 2025 (4th Year Students)

      1. Baseline:  61% On-track

      2. Goal:  85%

  2. Credit Recovery Baseline Data: 

    1. # of Credit Recovery Students Served.

      1. Baseline:  380

      2. Goal:  400

    2. Percentage of Completed Courses

      1. Baseline:  82%

      2. Goal:  85%

  3. Math Strategies and Read Write students' success rate through IXL and Achieve 3000 academic progress.

    1. Baseline:  72%

    2. Goal:  75%

  4. Milestones Proficiency Rate:

    1. American Literature & Composition EOC:

      1. Baseline:  34.2%

      2. Goal:  37%

    2. Algebra EOC:

      1. Baseline:  34%

      2. Goal:  36%

    3. Biology EOC:

      1. Baseline:  49.1%

      2. Goal:  51%

    4. U.S. History EOC:

      1. Baseline:  36.1%

      2. Goal:  38%


Effectiveness 3.B - Talent Management

Discovery High School will focus on growing and retaining teachers and staff to improve high-quality instruction for all students.

  1. Professional Development

    1. Teacher access to endorsement programs and add-on certification programs.

      1. TALC

      2. Gifted Endorsement

      3. ESOL Endorsement

    2. Monthly small group instruction professional development for teachers.

    3. Teacher Leadership development in front line leadership using principles from Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin targeting department chairs, academy leads, and assistant principals.

    4. Clerical training to increase front line capacity of clerks to provide timely information and assistance to students, parents, guardians, and community members.

    5. Teacher induction coaching sessions with Induction Coach.

Professional Development

  1. Increase the number of teacher endorsements

    1. TALC

      1. Baseline:  22 teachers

      2. Goal:  15 teachers

    2. Gifted Endorsement

      1. Baseline:  5 teachers

      2. Goal:  5 teachers

    3. ESOL Endorsement

      1. Baseline:  2 teachers

      2. Goal:  2 teachers

  2. Monthly small group instruction professional development:

    1. Baseline:  10 sessions

    2. Goal:  10 sessions

  3. Teacher leadership development:

    1. Baseline:  8 sessions

    2. Goal:  8 Sessions

  4. Clerical training:

    1. Baseline 4 sessions

    2. Goal:  4 sessions

  5. Teacher induction coaching sessions

    1. Baseline:  12 sessions

    2. Goal:  12 sessions


Excellence 4.B - Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness

Discovery High School will prepare each and every student for Post-secondary and workforce readiness so that they continue to have multiple pathways to success based on their demonstrated knowledge, skills, abilities, and interests.

Academy Initiatives:

All academies will vertically team with specials teachers from the cluster elementary schools and connections teachers from the cluster middle school.  Each Academy will pursue individual initiatives to promote and market CTAE and Fine Arts pathways for college and career readiness:

Academy Initiatives:

  1. All academies

    1. Created academy brochures to highlight pathways and opportunities

    2. WBL and Career Fair second semester

    3. Academy Ambassadors

      1. Student ambassadors trained on specific academies and their pathways. Promotes pathways and academies to students, parents, and other stakeholders. 

    4. Pathway Fair in August

      1. Pathways are promoted during all lunches 

  2. Health & Human Services Academy

    1. Healthcare summit is another opportunity for students to not only be provided an opportunity for real world experiences, but they are also able to learn from professionals about their careers and ask questions. 

    2. Field trips are being organized to healthcare facilities and nearby colleges to give students a first hand look at the healthcare industry. 

    3. Providing students an opportunity to earn industry recognized certifications, job shadows, and internships while still in high school.

    4. HOSA- encouraging students to participate in HOSA events and competitions that foster leadership and technical skills

  3. Business Academy

    1. Business Marketplace event for Marketing students to promote and sell products from their personal businesses. Event takes place twice a year

    2. Georgia Power Workshop 9/11: 20 B&E Academy students will get exposure to various career paths

    3. Microsoft Office Certified students earn their right to be on the certification wall once they become MS certified

    4. Guest speakers and mock interviews scheduled during Flex 9 periods

  4. Fine Arts Academy

    1. Fine Arts Academy will host a showcase night in which the programs are highlighted to the students, staff, and parents.

    2. Utilize business partners and expand the exposure to employment opportunities utilized by pathway completion.

  5. STEM Academy

    1. Computer Science vertical team with cluster schools.

    2. Increased capacity with new equipment in Engineering pathway.

    3. Forklift certification in Logistics pathway

  6. Life Skills Academy - Low incidence student groups utilize the Practical Assessment Exploration System (PAES Lab) Program:

    1. Basic generalizable vocational and life skills that relate to most careers. 

    2. Skills needed for vocational training, placement and independent living. 

    3. Coffee Shop on Main - Low incidence students practice vocational skills to prepare for service industries and customer service

  7. Global Academy

    1. Social Worker and scheduling clerk dedicated to ESOL meeting the needs of students and their families and to academic placement aimed at on-time graduation

    2. Level 1 and Level 2 student leader led support meetings 2x per semester

    3. Small group conferences with all ESOL Seniors and Juniors with a focus on Off-Track ESOL students..

  8. 9th Grade Academy

    1. Career Connections: an event for 9th graders to explore their passions and commit to a pathway for the following year

    2. Student Leadership Opportunities:

      1. Chick-fil-a Leader Academy 

      2. 9th Grade Ambassadors


Academy Initiatives:

  1. All academies

    1. Baseline:  4 initiatives

    2. Goal: completion of 4 of 4 initiatives

  2. Health & Human Services Academy

    1. Baseline:  4 initiatives

    2. Goal: completion of 4 of 4 initiatives

  3. Business Academy

    1. Baseline:  4 initiatives

    2. Goal: completion of 4 of 4 initiatives

  4. Fine Arts Academy

    1. Baseline:  2 initiatives

    2. Goal: completion of 2 of 2 initiatives

  5. STEM Academy

    1. Baseline:  3 initiatives

    2. Goal: completion of 3 of 3 initiatives

  6. Life Skills Academy 

    1. Baseline:  3 initiatives

    2. Goal: completion of 3 of 3 initiatives

  7. Global Academy

    1. Baseline:  3 initiatives

    2. Goal: completion of 3 of 3 initiatives

  8. 9th Grade Academy

    1. Baseline:  2 initiatives

    2. Goal: completion of 2 of 2 initiatives


Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity -

We will build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement by implementing the activities identified in The Plan/The Promise.

Discovery will work to increase parent engagement by:

  1. Provide opportunities for FAFSA completion.

  2. Increase in Parent/Teacher Conference Night attendance.

  3. Parent Blend sessions with principal and school leaders to focus on how parents can be involved in their student’s academic progress.

  4. English classes for parents and guardians of students to improve parent access.

  5. ParentVue and Parent Portal classes to enhance parent capacity.

  6. Visits outside of the school to community groups to engage parents and guardians.

  7. Identify parent groups for targeted outreach that need additional support.


Growth measured through Educational Effectiveness Survey (EES) for families results:

  1. “Parents/families participate in important decisions about their student’s education.”

    1. Baseline:  59.8% Positive or Neutral

    2. Goal:  65% Positive or Neutral

  2. “My student is challenged with a rigorous course of study at this school.”

    1. Baseline:  63.5% Positive or Neutral

    2. Goal:  70% Positive or Neutral

  3. “This school tells me how I can help my student with homework.”

    1. Baseline:  62.0% Positive or Neutral

    2. Goal:  70% Positive or Neutral