How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being
Creekland staff believes in supporting the total middle school learner. We believe that building positive relationships with students will support their sense of belonging and wellness.
Creekland staff believes in doing their best work to support the students we teach. We strive to be professional colleagues that build good working relationships.
Empathy 1B - Staff and Student Wellbeing (Strategic Priority: Safe and Welcoming Schools)
Goal: Provide additional opportunities to elevate student voice, ownership, and agency in the design of their school experience and be responsive to their requests.
Work with Peer Leaders and Student Ambassadors, which include students from grades 6-8, to receive input and gather student voice.
Offer a variety of clubs and extracurricular activities that will cultivate an environment of inclusion for our diverse student body.
Offer ongoing professional development for all staff members in the area of Supportive Community.
Engage students in opportunities to celebrate their cultural/ social emotional diversitypositive behavior interventions an supports (PBIS), Eagle of the Week, Quarterly Socials, Multicultural team trivia and celebrations, as well as MOYA (Month of the Young Adolescent).
EES Survey Theme Student Belonging
Continuous Improvement Baseline 72.1 Target 72.1
Criterion-Referenced Baseline 72.1 Target 65.6
EES Survey Theme Well- Being
Continuous Improvement Baseline 59.6 Target 59.7
Criterion-Referenced Baseline 59.6 Target 56.5
EES Survey Theme Student Satisfaction
Continuous Improvement Baseline 49.8 Target 49.9
Criterion-Referenced Baseline 49.8 Target 46.0
EES Survey Theme Staff Support
Continuous Improvement Baseline 75.5 Target 75.6
Criterion-Referenced Baseline 75.5 Target 73.4
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports
Creekland Middle School will continue to engage with the MTSS (Multi-Tiered Support System). We will incorporate ways into the daily school operations to meet the Academic Press and Supportive Community components for School Improvement.
Creekland Middle School will continue to engage with the MTSS (Multi-Tiered Support System). We will incorporate ways into the daily school operations to meet the Academic Press and Supportive Community components for School Improvement.
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports (Strategic Priority: Literacy Proficiency)
Goal 2A:Reduce variability and increase the fidelity of High-Quality Tier 1 instruction implementation for all students, including targeted small groups, grade level curriculum, ongoing formative assessments, and progress monitoring.
As a collaborative learning team (CLT), we will ensure the fidelity of our tier one instruction through the usage of high quality instructional materials such as HMH Reading and Amplified Math. We will monitor the implementation using varied feedback tools and analyze and disaggregate data to determine the next steps for planning and instruction (utilize CLT self-assessment rubric, and CLT evaluation).
Daily opportunities for engagement with high quality interventions throughout the day as well as during daily intervention time called EAGLE TIME
Refinement of a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) team to analyze data and determine student support. Utilization of universal screeners to determine student access into programs to provide support for individual needs. These programs include but are not limited to: Gifted, Multilingual Learner, and Intervention Programs, which offer support for the diverse needs of all students.
Utilize universal screeners to identify students who need additional academic and/or emotional support.
Useongoing formative assessments to remediate and enrich instruction.
Continue to implement our Reteaching and Reassessment plan to ensure mastery of the AKS during Eagle Time.
Staff RBES Goals and Professional Learning Goals will align to our school's LSPI to measure progress in the areas of Supportive Community and Academic Press.
Plan high quality Tier 1 instruction where all students engage in the learning with AKS/learning goal/Achievement Level Descriptors at the expected level using district Materials.
All teachers will participate in professional learning focused on high impact instructional strategies for ML learners.
Baseline and measurable data points will be generated from the MTSS Screener as well as the Milestones Assessment data to reduce the number of students in Beginning Learner level.
Creekland Middle School is a very diverse school. It is important to ensure school practices are aligned to meet the academic and social/ emotional needs of all learners.
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access (Strategic Priority: Literacy Proficiency)
Goal : 2b. Increase students' opportunities to learn and achieve by consistently implementing a high quality curriculum that reflects grade level expectations focusing on early literacy and the science of reading.
Implementation of Celebrations that support students' desires for high rates of student attendance supported by teacher and counselor communication and student engagement in learning.
Students will have access to a curriculum that supports creativity, critical thinking and problem solving (STEM, Computer Science, Performing Arts, Wellness and Mental Health).
Multilingual Learner Program - We will partner with the office to support staff to provide academic support and instructional strategies to help multilingual learners excel academically and linguistically. All teachers will participate in professional learning focused on high impact instructional strategies for ML learners.
Discipline Data will be reviewed weekly to determine PBIS and SEL lessons to share research-based teacher strategies and to teach students how to model our PBIS mantra ( SOAR).
Baseline and measurable data points will be generated from the CCRPI, Interims, 2023 Milestones results as well as PBIS Data, School Discipline Data.
ML English Proficiency Progress
Progress Towards English Proficiency Index
Continuous Improvement Baseline 59.9 Target 60.3
Criterion-Referenced Baseline 59.9 Target 74.8
Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination
Creekland Middle School believes that Every Child, Every Class, and Every Day should engage in opportunities that prepare them for college and career opportunities in the future. By reviewing our Milestones historical data, we as a staff will use the data to identify areas of strength and growth to improve the academic rigor within our school. We will strive to continuously improve our practice.
Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination (College and Career Readiness)
Goal 4A: Promote a well-rounded education that includes various academic, arts, and athletic programs across the K–12 continuum, including co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
Provide opportunities for students to engage in curriculum extension programs and enrichment activities to support academic and social-emotional growth through participation in clubs/sports offered before and after school, such as eSports ,Intermural Club, Robotics, Dance , Band, Soccer, Basketball, Cross Country and Cheer.
Analyze and engage in school improvement based on EES/Gallup survey administration and analysis.
EES Survey Theme Student Belonging
Continuous Improvement Baseline 72.1 Target 72.1
Criterion-Referenced Baseline 72.1 Target 65.6
EES Survey Theme Well- Being
Continuous Improvement Baseline 59.6 Target 59.7
Criterion-Referenced Baseline 59.6 Target 56.5
EES Survey Theme Student Satisfaction
Continuous Improvement Baseline 49.8 Target 49.9
Criterion-Referenced Baseline 49.8 Target 46.0
EES Survey Theme Staff Support
Continuous Improvement Baseline 75.5 Target 75.6
Criterion-Referenced Baseline 75.5 Target 73.4
Chronic Absence Rate
Grades 6-8
Continuous Improvement Baseline Target 7.9
Criterion-Referenced Baseline Target 7.7
Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity -
Our purpose is to improve student achievement. We implement shared decision-making between faculty, administration, and parents relating to school improvement. This allows a free flow of communication between and among all of our stakeholders.
To ensure parent engagement we are committed to the following goal as part of the 2024-2025 strategic priorities.
We will build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement.
Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity – (Strategic Priority: Safe and Welcoming Schools)
Goal: Improve two-way communication, engagement, and outreach that connect the community, the schools, and the district office. (4.C World- Class Communication/engagement)
Community Engagement Programs and Communication tools to support revitalization of community engagement. These programs/communication methods include but are not limited to ALL Pro Dads, Monthly Newsletters, Principal Town Hall meetings, Fun Family events, Eagle University Parenting Workshops.