How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being
Crews Middle School is committed to creating a positive, engaging environment where our vision for Connected at Crews permeates throughout curricular and extra-curricular opportunities for staff and students. Practicing empathy by focusing on student and staff wellbeing is essential to fostering positive relationships through the development of a culture where students and staff feel a sense of care, belonging, and safety.
Student Well Being
Enhance our weekly Bronco Time program by implementing a daily Bronco Time program that supports academic remediation and enrichment.
Use the Bronco Time Program to place students in one of ten Excellence groups that target supports for Tiers 1 - 4 and monitor their progress for placement adjustments throughout each semester
Expand efforts to build an intentional, well-established, exemplary social and emotional learning (SEL) program by increasing lesson implementation from once to twice a week; collaborating with stakeholders monthly; and providing ongoing professional development
Include the 3 Signature SEL practices (warm welcome, engaging learning activities, optimistic closing) into the instructional framework
Continue the implementation of PBIS
Continue the implementation of Restorative Practices
Continue the implementation of the "Student Experience Committee" (SEC) to enhance academic and social engagement
Have a team trained to implement the Marcus Crisis Prevention Program
Continue student supports, recognitions and celebrations in partnership with PBIS, PTSA, counseling department etc. (i.e Bronco of the Month, semester honors’ assemblies, grade-level socials & celebrations, referrals for student check-ins)
Provide peer leader mentorship to students new to Crews & those referred by staff
Staff Well Being
Recognize and highlight staff through our week-at-a-glance newsletter (shout-out section), weekly You Shine notes, monthly birthday celebrations, monthly staff meetings & grade-level celebrations, and ongoing climate activities
Continue the work to support staff input and voice by building the capacity of our curriculum lead teachers, grade-level representatives, and support staff leaders
Seek staff voice and input through our School Improvement Team (SIT) meetings and develop actionable steps or plans to support improvement
Student & Staff Well-being
Develop team & implement plans for the newly established school improvement committee for student & staff recognition
Implement regular surveys, suggestion links, or forums where students and staff can provide input regarding school programs, events, and activities
Student EES Survey:
High Standards & Expectations-All students have access to rigorous courses and supports (Baseline 78%/Target 82%)
Supportive Learning Environment-Student success is celebrated in this school (Baseline 66%/Target 70%)
Belonging & Engagement-Students are involved in solving problems in this school (Baseline-69%/Target 73%)
Social Awareness-I feel proud of my school (Baseline 65%/Target 70%)
Staff EES Survey
Supportive Learning Environment-We celebrate progress toward school toward improvement plan goals (Baseline 90%/Target 92%)
Collaboration & Communication-When there is problem in my school, we talk about how to solve it (Baseline 72%/Target 76%)
Focused Professional Development- I receive training on instructions to support social emotional learning (Baseline 85/Target 90%)
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports
At Crews Middle School, we believe each student belongs and can succeed at their highest levels. To support the diverse needs of our learners, we will be strategic and intentional in regard to the development of comprehensive structures and processes to remove barriers and provide targeted remediation and enrichment learning opportunities.
Continue PLC work to implement the school’s instructional framework & priorities in support of AKS rigor and standards
Use school PLC template for team planning & communications
Implement three-part lesson plan framework
Embed teacher-led small group instruction through lesson plans and practices formally twice a week to ensure high-quality instruction Tier 1 instruction is occurring for all students
Use Atlas data protocols to review student work and assessments (i.e., CFAs, DAs) & adjust instruction to support teaching and learning
Monitor the progress of students scheduled in Remedial Education Program (REP) segments to receive daily instructional and intervention support
Conduct biweekly meetings with the intervention team (i.e., reading connections, math connection, MTSS coordinator, administration)
Review student plans of support for appropriate implementation and monitoring (i.e., 504, SST, Kid Talk, IEP, TPP)
Build staff capacity to support and fully integrate academic rigor/excellence and supportive community structures and processes for tier 2 & 3 through local school and district professional development
Have a 100% completion rate for WIDA training by December 2025 to support language learning
Implement WIDA training to support instructional strategies for multi-language learners through local and district PD, peer observation, and coaching
Formalize academic and behavioral responses to intervention (RTI) process to reduce variability and improve the fidelity of implementation
Provide RTI training and support through PD and grade-level meetings
Implement daily Bronco Time to increase opportunities for remediation and enrichment
Students performing two grade levels below (Baseline 17%, Target 10%)
iReady Reading Performance Bands
Students performing two grade levels below (Baseline 21%, Target 11%)
GA Milestones: Students scoring at Proficient- Distinguished
Language Arts (Baseline-69%/Target 75%)
Math (Baseline-76%/ Target 80%)
Science (Baseline-63%/ Target 70%)
Social Studies (Baseline-67%/Target 73%)
Behavior Management-
Percent of students with incidents (Baseline 16.9%/Target 11%)
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access
Crews Middle School is committed to ensuring students are embraced, empowered, and equipped to meet their college, career, and life goals. Therefore, we are focused on ensuring each and every student has an opportunity and access to a rigorous and relevant curriculum and is supported through stakeholder relationships that promote academic and social/emotional learning
Utilize universal screener data in conjunction with other academic/achievement data to identify students for gifted evaluation
Collaborate with local school and district staff to identify and facilitate relevant PD for staff that promotes academic excellence and supportive community
Continue PLC work focused on teacher-led small group instruction, reteaching, and mastery opportunities
Continue the work of Connected at Crews to provide students opportunities to engage in various clubs and activities that support their curricular and extra-curricular interests and passions before, during, and after school
GA Milestones: Students scoring at Proficient+ Distinguished by subgroups
Language Arts
Special Education (Baseline 28%/Target 32%)
EL (Baseline 43%/Target 47%)
Special Education (Baseline 30%/Target 33%)
EL (Baseline 56%/Target 58%)
Student EES Survey:
High Standards & Expectations-All students have access to rigorous courses and supports (Baseline 78%/Target 82%)
Monitoring of Teaching & Learning- My teacher(s) find ways for me to learn things I find difficult (Baseline 66%/Target 70%)
Belonging & Engagement-Adults in this building help me plan & set goals for my future (Baseline-59%/Target 63%)
Behavior Management-
Percent of students with incidents (Baseline-16.9%/Target 11%)
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System
Crews Middle School is committed to promoting high levels of collaboration and engagement within its professional learning communities. We will use the Results-Based Evaluation System to define inputs, behaviors, and outcomes of students to determine successes of academic press and supportive community implementations. This work is supported through the following:
Meet with PLC leaders monthly to review school, departmental, and/or grade-level progress and supports
Continue PLC work to support ongoing formative assessment, feedback, reteaching, and targeted teacher-led small group planning to ensure student mastery of the AKS
Coordinate opportunities for teachers to conduct peer observation
Schedule opportunities for PLC leaders to observe their teams
Provide students with ongoing opportunities to demonstrate mastery and utilize the Academic Assistance Program and Bronco Time program to support needs
Use local school assessments, district assessments, and Milestones Benchmark to measure progress
Present academic and behavioral data during faculty & staff meetings and through weekly staff newsletter
Provide new teachers in our building with a mentor (new to the profession) or a Bronco Backer (veteran new to the school)
Conduct monthly check-ins with new teachers to our building
Offer ongoing, targeted schoolwide professional development and choice sessions to all staff
Ensure daily learning targets are posted, aligned with appropriate AKS and instructional calendars, and reviewed with students
GA Milestones: Students scoring at Proficient- Distinguished
Language Arts (Baseline-69%/Target 75%)
Math (Baseline-76%/ Target 80%)
Science (Baseline-63%/ Target 70%)
Social Studies (Baseline-67%/Target 73%)
Student Survey
Monitoring Teaching & Learning- My teacher(s) tells me the purpose for each lesson or activity (Baseline 53 %/Target 70%)
Clear & Shared Focus-This school is doing a good job of preparing me to succeed in life (Baseline-68%/75%)
Monitoring Teaching & Learning- My teachers help me learn by challenging me with interesting activities in class (Baseline-66%/ Target 73%)
Staff Survey
Focused Professional Development- Peer observation/coaching is a tool we use to improve instruction (Baseline 49%/Target 60%)
Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination
Crews Middle School is committed to being the preferred education destination and first choice for students and families.
Develop teams to implement newly formed school improvement committees: family & community engagement, student & staff recognition, and communications & calendaring
Continue the work of Connected at Crews, which has focused on providing opportunities for students, staff, and community members to engage in clubs, activities, and classes based on their interests
Utilize the connections’ preference survey to support student choices and interests
Provide opportunities for parent and community involvement for all stakeholders to be active in our school improvement process (i.e., Local School Council, PTSA, All Pro Dads, Counseling Advisory Committee, etc.)
Host events that highlight and engage students and families with different backgrounds and interests
Solicit student, staff, and family feedback following school events and activities
Student EES Survey:
Belonging & Engagement-What we do in school will help me succeed in life (Baseline 63%/ Target 70%)
Clear & Shared Focus-This is school is doing a good job of helping me to succeed in life (Baseline 68%/ Target 75%)
Student Survey:
Readiness to Benefit: I am willing to work at changing my school for the better (Baseline 99%/ Target 100%)
Readiness to Benefit: My colleagues welcome new ideas and change (Baseline 67%/ Target 80%)
Family EES Data
Parent & Community Involvement- Parents/families have input into improving this school (Baseline 62%/ Target 70%)
Parent & Community Involvement- I feel welcome at this school (Baseline 81%/ Target 85%)