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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2024 - 2025 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: PEACHTREE RIDGE HIGH SCHOOL           Principal: Jadd Jarusinski

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

At Peachtree Ridge High School we strive to create a supportive and safe environment while ensuring that all students and staff feel a strong sense of belonging that fosters collaboration and a respect for diversity. We will promote student and staff wellbeing through prioritizing self-care, physical and mental health, and social emotional learning.

  • PRIDE Advisement lessons that prioritize student well being and Social Emotional Learning (SEL).

    • Facilitate Character Strong lessons contributing to the holistic development of students, positive character traits and social emotional skills. 

    • Teachers are provided with a reminder and instructions weekly for PRIDE lessons.

    • PRIDE teachers will identify one student from their PRIDE class to facilitate Character Strong PRIDE lessons. These students will also meet as a group; student voice. 

  • LION TIME will provide opportunities for students to receive Academic Support in core subject areas and engage in student interest activities. 

    • Upon implementation of Lion Time, the sheltered teachers will host MLL sessions that will include MLL student recognition, enrichment, intervention and parent events.

  • RIDGE PD - Staff professional development 

    • Ridge PD will continue to offer professional development in the categories of Building Capacity, Technology, ESOL, Exceptional Education, Curriculum and the MTSS Umbrella - Tier 1 Instruction, SEL & PBIS, in the structured format teachers have requested. 

    • Ridge PD will be shared monthly “At-A-Glance” through email, and shared/posted on the schoolwide calendar, as well as posted in the schoolwide document, Important Documents. 

    • Workshop Wednesday’s were created to streamline and prioritize school-wide professional learning.

    • 4 Core professional development offered three times a semester to course team leads. Leading the books study Smart School Teams.

  • With a focus on faculty well-being, the Wellness and Connectedness team (SEL) designed and developed a Breathe Room for faculty and staff. The Breathe Room was presented at pre planning with the last phase being installing a card reader for teacher entry to maintain security of the space. 

  • Monthly Lions Network collaborative opportunities for all teachers new to Peachtree Ridge.

  • Monthly departmental and school wide student and staff recognition. Monthly staff member of the month has recognized 40+ staff members and students of the month, certificates and recognition on digital displays

  • Frequent school wide, departmental, and grade level appreciation, celebration and milestone recognition.

    • Weekly Freshman Breakfast Club

    • Staff birthday cards and candy

    • Staff celebration opportunities such as Coffee Truck, Snack Carts, and other engagements

    • Student Success Recognition with School and Families in the biweekly newsletter and social media (ex. CTE Student of the year, GLST new members, soccer team honor for their GPA, local news recognition)

  • Frequent pulse checks with the Principal.

    • 10/23/24

    • 11/20/24

    • 2/19/25

  • Quarterly school and student driven events promoting school spirit.

  • Faculty tailgates, student spirit days, sport/club ‘send offs’ for big events


Peachtree Ridge will show an improvement in the students' Center for Educational Effectiveness Survey (CEE) Survey on the question, “I enjoy coming to this school” 

  • Baseline  – 44%

  • Goal  – 47%

Peachtree Ridge will show an improvement in the students' Center for Educational Effectiveness Survey (CEE) Survey on the question, “Most students are respectful of others at this school”

  • Baseline  – 44%

  • Goal  – 47%

Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

To reach and teach each and every child, a well-defined and executed multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) focused on the whole learner must be in place that prepares students for success in a dynamic global environment.

  • Enhance the current Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS)  program beyond Tier 1 in order to develop Tier 2 school wide interventions. 

    • Establish targeted PBIS acknowledgement for specific behaviors on a quarterly basis

    • Include SEL competencies within PBIS schoolwide and classroom expectations to bridge connections

    • PBIS committee conducted professional development on classroom PBIS practices to address targeted behaviors. 

    • PBIS committee to provide professional development emphasizing the use of restorative practices at the classroom level

    • PBIS committee presented Pride lessons reviewing student behavior expectations and student acknowledgements (rewards).

    • PBIS develop school wide incentive to acknowledge student attendance

  • MTSS Monday-Weekly communication on “Just-In- Time” support with links and/or discussion posts on MTSS implementation which includes Academics, SEL, and Behavior. 

  • MTSS eCLASS Page for Staff Communication 

  • Analyze the current MTSS infrastructure with the use of the AIR Rubric and early warning indicators (EWS) to continue to develop a preventive system of interventions and supports. 

  • Continue to integrate MTSS to include academics,  SEL, PBIS, and MTSS. This includes developing an MTSS Vertical Team, collaborative efforts to be purposeful in whole-child supports, and progress monitoring. 

  • Off track students in cohort 2025 are paired with a MTSS Cohort Mentor and their counselor to provide targeted intervention lessons, goal setting, and progress monitoring.

  • Ridge Recovery is offered to students as a last option in the event they need credit towards graduation.  There is an attendance requirement in order to be eligible.

  • CLT leader work - CLT leader PD will include 6 in person sessions throughout the school year to equip lead teachers with tools, protocols, and strategies to maximize their CLT meetings. The PD will also include a Google Classroom to share additional strategies and best practices. The work focused on MTSS Tier 1 Highly Viable Curriculum (DuFour PLC work). 

    • 8/21/2024

    • 9/25/2024

    • 11/13/2024

    • 1/8/2025

    • 3/19/2025

    • 4/30/2025

  • New Strategies Courses for 9th Grade General Education Students (Algebra Strategies and Literacy)                                                                                                      

  • End Zone after school peer tutoring

  • After-school & course team tutoring office hours

    • Course teams have communicated tutoring hours to students via syllabus, posters outside classroom, mass communication, and 9th Grade Academy tutoring document.

  • Restore the Roar restorative practices 

  • Increase awareness and involvement of extracurricular activities

  • 9th grade Academy

    • Student Q1 Meetings September- October

    • 9th grade after school tutoring schedule for 4-core classes 

    • 9th grade lunch tutoring

  • 9R Parent Meetings with Office of Student Interventions

    • In-home student visits 

    • Ridge Recovery offered throughout the school year and summer.

    • Student Mentoring Opportunities

    • District-led family meditations


Peachtree Ridge will show an improvement in the students' Center for Educational Effectiveness Survey (CEE) Survey on the question, “Student success is celebrated in this school”

  • Baseline  – 61%

  • Goal  – 64%

The percent of Peachtree Ridge students achieving in the beginning level on the Milestones End of Course (EOC) assessment will decrease on each assessment. (See table below)

Baseline Target Course (23-24 SY)      →     (24-25 SY)

Algebra C&C  32% → 30%

American Lit   24% → 22%

Biology   21% → 19%

US History       22% → 20%

Peachtree Ridge will show an improvement with our on track graduation rate for each cohort via the GCPS Cohort Analyzer 


  • Baseline   

    • Class of 2028 (9th) 82%

    • Class of 2027 (10th) 76%

    • Class of 2026 (11th) 76%

  • Goal  

    • Class of 2028 (9th) 83%

    • Class of 2027 (10th) 80%

    • Class of 2026 (11th) 80%


Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Each and every student will only meet her or his highest potential if provided equitable access to programs that ensure she or he has the knowledge and skills to succeed as contributing members of a global society, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic background, English proficiency, faith, socioeconomic status, or disability.

  • Increase two-way communication in multiple languages to families using various tools (e.i., Parent Square)

    • Parent Square session at Curriculum Night

    • Offer 2 Parent Square Training sessions for teachers 7/25 & 10/13

  • Curriculum Night and Rising 9th Grade Night offered multiple session with translators and utilized “Present Live” feature for real time translations in over 60 languages

  • Just in time workshops focused on building parents capacity to help support their learner during their high school experience

  • Rising 9th Grade Night- Scheduled for January 2025. Korean and Spanish breakout rooms will be offered.

  • SWL training on Microsoft 365 “Present Live” and subtitles for community meetings and ESOL classrooms.

  • Increase partnership with PTSA and local organizations

    • Staff PTA memberships increased over prior year

    • Staff Appreciation days sponsored by local businesses, individuals, and organizations.

  • Expand school events available to families and community.

  • Usage of Academic Universal Screeners (e.i., MAP) to identify every 9th grade student in need of acceleration or academic interventions at the beginning of their high school journey.

  • Students identified for REP ELA and Math Courses

  • SAT provided during school day

    • SAT School Day is scheduled for March 18th.  This assessment will include all 11th graders who are enrolled at PRHS. 

  • PSAT provided during school day on October 29th for all 10th and 11th grade students enrolled at PRHS.

  • ASVAB is offered for students in grades 10 - 12.  September 12th and February 12th. 

  • Increase awareness and communication regarding student extra curricular opportunities

  • Increase awareness and communication regarding student instructional offerings at PRHS and other GCPS opportunities

  • Math Pathway Information

  • ML Combo with Social Studies and Science

  • Utilize available tools and data to identify students and increase AP Program participation amongst all groups.

  • A combo course combining APUSH and AP Lang during the same block allows students more AP courses in their schedule. Will continue to monitor student success.

  • Added AP African American Studies course to our course offerings

  • Participation in Equal Opportunity Schools (EOS). Students and staff will participate in the EOS survey with a 90% goal of participation. Survey data will be used for placement in accelerated courses and building relationships.

  • Collaborative Learning Teams focused on Multilingual Learners. Sheltered and ESOL teachers will share strategies and best practices via a shared Google Classroom and discussion boards. The team will also plan events to strengthen communication with ML students and parents and families.

  • Family Engagement: Counseling Office will host workshops throughout the year with parents. They will meet with new families during registration while supporting student's academic and social emotional needs, including attendance and discipline related issues throughout the school year.


Peachtree Ridge High School will increase the percentage of economically disadvantaged 9th grade students who are identified as gifted 

  • Baseline  – 22%

  • Goal  – 23%

Peachtree Ridge will increase the percentage of all Black students taking an AP course

  • Baseline  – 21%

  • Goal  – 23%

Peachtree Ridge will increase the percentage of all Hispanic students taking an AP course

  • Baseline  – 22%

  • Goal  – 23%


Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System

Redefine the inputs, behaviors, and outcomes that determine the standards for student success as measured by the Results- Based Evaluation System (RBES) to support school improvement and student growth.

  • Quality Plus Teaching Strategies (QPTS)
    • Continuous focus on instructional coaching within respective departments on research based instruction strategies to support student learning.
  • Literacy, Math, Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM), and MTSS vertical teams
    • Literacy - 9/19/24; 11/12/24; 2/4/25
    • Math- 9/17/24; 11/7/24; 1/3025
    • MTSS - 9/26/24; 11/19/24; 2/11/25
    • STEM- 9/24/24; 11/14/24; 2/6/25
  • Weekly collaborative learning team meetings
    • Course teams are collaborating weekly using an agenda based on DuFour’s four PLC questions. Continuous development for course team leaders have been revamped to ensure CLTs are operating to increase student interest. 
    • Teams have been adjusting instructional pacing calendars and developing opportunities for reteaching and reassessing based on interim exams.
  • Monthly Lion Walks staff classroom observations
    • Lion Walks #1 9/18/2024
    • Lion Walks #2 10/16/24
    • Lion Walks #3 11/13/24
    • Lion Walks #4 2/26/2025
    • Lion Walks #5 3/26/2025
    • Lion Walks #6 4/16/2025
  • Ridge PD teacher-driven professional development opportunities
    • Small Group Instruction PD
    • Teaching on the Block Best Practices and Support
    • Data Driven instructional Practices
    • All teachers new to PRHS engage in Lion Network monthly collaboration opportunities
  • Course Team Leader Development
    • Coach and build team leader capacity through Ridge PD. Assistant Principals have been meeting with their course team leads S2 to have intentional instructional conversations based on the specific needs of the students.  
    • Utilize District Assessments and Local Common Formative Assessments to review progress of student learning and provide remediation and acceleration opportunities. 
  • Utilize math data to assist in designing specific pathways tailored to remediate (REP) and accelerate (Alternate Pathway) students by placement 
  • Partner with School Operations and Improvement and Curriculum and Instruction with support targeting American Literature courses alignment with AKS and resource usage.

Peachtree Ridge will show an improvement in the Staff EES Survey on the question, “Instruction is personalized to meet the needs of each student” 

  • Baseline  – 63%

  • Goal  – 66%

The percent of Peachtree Ridge students achieving in the proficient/distinguished level on the Milestones EOC assessment will increase on each assessment. (See table below)

Baseline Target Course (23-24 SY)      →     (24-25 SY)

Algebra         37% → 40%

American Lit   52% → 55%

Biology   61% → 64%

US History       49% → 52%


Excellence 4.B - Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness

At Peachtree Ridge High School, we are committed to effective instruction that prepares students for success in a dynamic global environment.  This ensures that after graduation all students have multiple pathways to success based on their interests, skills, knowledge, and abilities.

  • Teachers will deliver effective tier 1 instruction
  • Provide students with opportunities for Industry Certification, CTAE Pathway Completion, internships/externships, SPIRE advisory board, and AP Capstone program.
  • College Fairs and information sessions throughout the year.
  • Work-Based Learning, Dual Enrollment, Maxwell High School, and Grayson Tech opportunities.
  • Military speaking and educational learning opportunities to all students
  • PRHS will host GCPS Transition Fair for students with disabilities to provide information and resources for post graduation opportunities. 
  • SPIRE research and performance-based presentations 
  • SPIRE STEM career capstone contributions and internships
  • Establish SPIRE “STEM Sister School”

Peachtree Ridge will show an improvement in the Student CEE Survey on the question, “What we do in school will help me succeed in life”

  • Baseline  – 57%

  • Goal  – 60%


The percent of students participating in the first course of a CTAE pathway 

  • Baseline  – 26%

  • Goal  – 27%