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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: SECKINGER HIGH           Principal: Memorie Reesman

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

Seckinger High School will promote student and staff well-being through prioritizing self-care, physical and mental health, and social-emotional learning.

Seckinger High School will provide opportunities to elevate student voice, ownership, and agency in the design of their school experience and be responsive to their requests.

Incorporating Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS)

  • We educate both staff and students on behavioral expectations to ensure a conducive learning environment.
  • We leverage positive interventions and behavior points as a motivational tool to encourage desirable conduct.
  • We conduct monthly analyses of both minor and major discipline incidents to continually improve our disciplinary practices.
  • We put into practice restorative measures that focus on reconciliation and reparation rather than punitive action.
  • For our cluster middle school and high school students, we align their behavioral expectations to the PBIS Matrix - emphasizing Responsibility, Respect, and Reflection.

Advisory Program

  • Our advisory program ensures students have a positive relationship with an adult mentor who actively advocates for them and exemplifies success.
  • We integrate social-emotional learning lessons and instill a sense of community building throughout the school, thereby fostering a positive and collaborative school culture.

Participatory Culture

  • Establish extra-curricular activities that align with student interests and goals for each and every student.

Staff Wellbeing - EES Staff Survey Item

When there is a problem in my school, we talk about how to solve it.

GCPS HS Baseline = 60% Positive Responses

SY2023 Target = 64% Positive Responses

SY2023 Final = 77% Positive Responses

SY2024 Target = 78% Positive Responses

Student Wellbeing - EES Student Survey Item

I feel proud of my school.

GCPS HS Baseline = 46% Positive Responses

SY2023 Target = 51% Positive Responses

SY2023 Final = 57% Positive Responses

SY2024 Target = 58% Positive Responses

Student Wellbeing - EES Student Survey Item

I enjoy coming to this school.

GCPS HS Baseline = 45% Positive Responses

SY2023 Target = 50% Positive Responses

SY2023 Final = 45% Positive Responses

SY2024 Target = 46% Positive Responses

Student Wellbeing - EES Student Survey Item

Most students are respectful of others at this school.

GCPS HS Baseline = 36% Positive Responses

SY2023 Target = 42% Positive Responses

SY2023 Final = 44% Positive Responses

SY2024 Target = 45% Positive Responses

Student Wellbeing - EES Family Survey Participation


GCPS HS Baseline = 11% Participation

SY2023 Target = 19% Participation

SY2023 Final = 16% Participation

SY2024 Target = 17% Participation

GHSA Sports & Activities


SKG Baseline = 0

SY2023 Target = 25

SY2023 Final = 19

SY2024 Target = 20



SKG Baseline = 0

SY2023 Target = 25

SY2023 Final = 39

SY2024 Target = 40

Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

Seckinger High School will implement a comprehensive framework to fully operationalize a multi-tiered system of support to students to address academic and non-academic student needs.

Implementing the MTSS Framework

  • We set up a robust infrastructure encompassing leadership development, effective team collaborations, professional learning, and active engagement of families and the community.
  • We employ screening practices, data-informed decision-making, a multi-level prevention system, and progress monitoring to ensure optimal student success and development.

Iterative School Improvement Strategy for Enhancing Community Support and Academic Rigor

  • We Plan: What do we want our students to learn?
  • We Do: How will we teach it? 
  • We Check: How will we know when our students have learned?
  • We Act: How will we respond when students learn? How will we respond when students don't learn? 

School Instructional Framework

  • We guarantee a classroom framework that includes an engaging introduction with a defined learning target, an activating strategy, a mini-lesson, differentiated small group instruction, student collaboration, independent practice, and a summarizing activity.
  • We implement personalized small group instruction, guided by daily formative assessments conducted during instructional time.

MTSS Screening - Academic Screener Participation


GCPS Baseline = 0%

SY2023 Target = 95%

SY2023 Final = 91%

SY2024 Target = 92%

Student Improvement - % Beginning on Milestones


GCPS Baseline = 22%

SY2023 Target = 21%

SY2023 Final = GMAS Data Pending Score Release from the DOE

SY2024 Target = 20%

MTSS Screening - Wellbeing Screener Participation


GCPS Baseline = 0%

SY2023 Target = 95%

SY2023 Final = 96%

SY2024 Target = 97%



SKG Baseline = Not Active

SY2023 Target = Installing or Emerging

SY2023 Final = Installing

SY2024 Target = Initial Implementation

Monitoring Teaching & Learning - EES Staff Survey Item

Instruction is personalized to meet the needs of each student.

GCPS HS Baseline = 56% Positive Responses

SY2023 Target = 61% Positive Responses

SY2023 Final = 71% Positive Responses

SY2024 Target = 72% Positive Responses

Monitoring Teaching & Learning - Staff Survey Item

Struggling students receive early intervention and remediation to acquire skills.

GCPS HS Baseline = 61% Positive Responses

SY2023 Target = 65% Positive Responses

SY2023 Final = 72% Positive Responses

SY2024 Target = 73% Positive Responses

Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Seckinger High School will expand opportunities to engage in and have access to high quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum, advanced coursework and enrichment activities.

Three Schools of Study that include Twelve Pathways

  • Establish four pathways within Advanced Sciences & Technology, Business & Leadership, and Art & Design

7 Period Bell Schedule and 8 Period Block Schedule

  • Utilize a 7-period bell schedule to provide additional time for literacy and math intervention and enrichment during the school day
  • Utilize an 8-period block schedule to provide a personalized learning period for Tier III support, exploration, Science, Engineering & Innovation Fair, pathway completion & capstone projects

Civic Engagement in Our Nation Course

  • Guide 9th grade students to develop an understanding of civil dialogue and its key concepts and the frameworks of civic engagement in a democracy.

Schoolwide Cross-Curricular Project-Based Learning  - Living Wall

  • Students at all instructional levels (special education, EL, general education, and gifted) will collaboratively participate
    Courses include Engineering, Environmental Science, Biology, and Chemistry.

Behavioral Support

  • Utilize MTSS Framework to reduce disruptions to learning and address disproportionality in discipline.

# of Pathways


SKG Baseline = N/A

SY2023 Target = 12

SY2023 Final = 12

SY2024 Target = 12

Pathway Participation


SKG Baseline = N/A

SY2023 Target = 80%

SY2023 Final = 95%

SAT/ACT Participation


GCPS Baseline = 41.5%

SY2023 Target = 45%

SY2023 Final = Data Not Yet Available

SY2024 Target =

Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System

Seckinger High School's effectiveness is fundamentally linked to student success. By aligning inputs, behaviors, and outcomes within the RBES, we can provide clearer, more relevant targets to aim for. This coherence will streamline our school improvement strategies more effectively, ensuring that our endeavors focus on nurturing student achievement.


  • Elevate performance metrics across all assessments by progressing from 'Beginning' to 'Developing,' and ultimately achieving 'Proficient' and 'Distinguished' levels.

Peer Observations & Feedback

  • Provide opportunities for teachers to observe and discuss each others’ practices through learning walks, feedback & coaching labs, micro-teaching videos.

Collaborative Learning Teams

  • Each course team meets regularly to develop lesson plans, embed AI readiness skills, examine student work and assessment and analyze data.

Cyclical School Improvement Plan for Academic Press - We Plan:

  • What do we want our students to learn? We Do: How will we teach it? We Check: How will we know when our students have learned? We Act: How will we respond when students learn? How will we respond when students don't learn? 

School Instructional Framework

  • Ensure a classroom framework that includes an engaging welcome with intended learning target, activating strategy, mini-lesson, differentiated small group instruction, student collaboration, independent practice, and summarization.
    • Utilize personalized small group instruction based on formative assessments during instruction.


Conduct 45, 90, 135, & 180 Day Reviews and make mid-course corrections.

Increase academic achievement on local, district, state, and AP assessments.

Staff Satisfaction - EES Staff Survey Item

Peer observation/coaching and feedback is a tool we use to improve instruction.

GCPS HS Baseline = 57% Positive Responses

SY2023 Target = 61.3% Positive Responses

SY2023 Final = 71% Positive Responses

SY2024 Target = 72% Positive Responses

Excellence 4.B - Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness

Seckinger High School will prepare each and every student for post-secondary and workforce readiness so that they have multiple pathways to success based on their demonstrated knowledge, skills, abilities.

Seckinger High School will allow students to explore their interests, pursue their passions, and graduate future ready.

Access to Broad Range of Advanced Placement Course and Opportunities to Earn Industry-Recognized Credentials.

Career & Technical Education (CTE) Pathways

  • Establish multiple pathways within Advanced Sciences & Technology School of Study.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Learning Framework and Continuum

  • Embed AI learning and skill development throughout coursework with programming, data science, mathematical reasoning, creative problem solving, ethics, and applied experiences.
  • Establish AI Pathway for Foundations of AI, Concepts of AI, & Applications of AI.

Collegiate Learning Environment

  • Utilize flexible seating collaboration spaces, productivity labs, and makers labs.

College & Career Events

  • Host College & Career Fair and College & Military lunch visits.
  • Participate in GA Apply to College Day.
  • Ensure 11th grade students participate in SAT Day and all 9th, 10th, & some 11th grade students participate in PSAT.

Student Readiness - EES Student Survey Item

Work I do in this school is useful and interesting to me.

GCPS HS Baseline = 37.1% Positive Responses

SY2023 Target = 43.3% Positive Responses

SY2023 Final = 41% Positive Responses

SY2024 Target = 42% Positive Responses

SAT/ACT Participation


GCPS Baseline = 41.5%

SY2023 Target = 45%

SY2023 Final = Data Not Yet Available

SY2024 Target = 46%

Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity -

Seckinger High School is committed to empowering parents with the tools they need to bolster their children's academic success, social-emotional well-being, and readiness for college and careers. Through transparent and impactful communication, we aim to foster robust partnerships with families, keeping them informed about present happenings and upcoming events.

Parent Liaison to facilitate supportive community and academic press.

Parent Center to coordinate parent workshops to equip parents with tools needed for their children’s success.

Accommodate parents with written & verbal communication in multiple languages.

Develop a social media presence using various platforms.

Communicate with parents via ParentSquare, SKG website, and Jaguar Bytes about school information and updates.

Percent of families participating in the annual EES Family Survey.


288 Families responded

Goal:  450 Families respond

Percent of families responding positively to the family satisfaction EES Family Survey items.

Parents/families have input into plans for improving this school

Baseline data: 69.3%

Goal: Increase to 85% 

Percent of families responding positively to the family satisfaction EES Family Survey items. This school tells me how I can help my student with homework.

Baseline data: 67% 

Goal: Increase to 85%