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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: DUNCAN CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL           Principal: Carrie Yougel

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

Duncan Creek ES will prioritize student and staff wellbeing through focusing on self-care, physical and mental health, and social emotional learning.  


  1. Continue implementation of school-wide positive incentive program using Class Dojo as a part of PBIS 

  2. Increase the frequency of Daily Morning Meetings

  3. Increase the number of Counselor “Check In/Check/Out” with students as part of Multi-Tiered System of Supports

  4. Administrators become a part of the counselors’ New Student Orientation

  5. Whole staff Tier 1 Restorative Practices Training

  6. Increase student sense of belonging through implementation of SEL practices

  7. Universal Classroom training through PBIS 

  8. All students will participate in Health/SEL special

  9. Partner with Stan Tucker on piloting Kindness Curriculum

  10. Begin inaugural Kindness Squad with ambassadors for each classroom.

  11. Summer planning meeting with Stan Tucker and members of the PBIS committee.



  1. Expand New Teacher Tribe to include all staff in their first 3 years and GCPS trained Teacher Mentor 

  2. Monthly staff wellness activities

  3. Increase PBIS status

  4. Combine PBIS and SEL into one committee

  5. Cultural Awareness training to increase knowledge and understanding of new students entering DCES.

  6. Partnering with Stan Tucker on new Kindness Curriculum






Increase Percent Positive Responses (% Often True + % Almost Always True) on the following EES-STUDENT survey items:  

  • If I want to talk with my teacher, they are available to me. 

2023 Result: 49% (+3%)

2024 Target: 52%

  • I enjoy coming to school. 

2023 Result: 45% (-3%)

2024 Target: 48%

  • Most students are respectful of others at this school. 

2023 Result: 23% (+3%)

2024 Target: 26%

  • I feel safe at school.

2023 Result: 62% (+4%)

2024 Target: 65%



Percent Positive Responses (% Often True + % Almost Always True) on the following EES-STAFF survey items:

  • My principal cares about me as a person. 

2023 Result: 92% (+7%)

2024 Target: 95%

  • Staff at all levels are treated fairly here.

2023 Result: 87% (+1%)

2024 Target: 90%

  • I receive training on instruction to support Social Emotional Learning.

2023 Result: 76% (+1%)

2024 Target: 79%



Percent Positive Responses (% Often True + % Almost Always True) on the following EES-STAFF survey items:

  • My student enjoys going to this school.

2023 Result: 87% (+0%)

2024 Target: 90%


 PBIS Status

2023 Result:  Operational

2024 Target:  Distinguished


Counselors Check In/Outs with students:

         2023 Results: 90

         2024 Target: 125


Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

Duncan Creek ES will implement a Multi-Tiered System of Supports to address the academic and non-academic student needs and remove barriers to success.

  1. Universal Screeners in LA and Math given three times per year

  2. Targeted Tier 1, 1+,2, and 3 interventions developed by the MTSS Team based on screener data and other data points

  3. Dedicated 45 minute intervention block built into each child’s day

  4. Establish Gifted Leadership Team (GLT), EL Leadership Team (ELT), and Intervention Leadership Team (ILT). Team members will provide lesson plan differentiation, interventions and enrichment for students’ academic and/or behavioral needs during CLT.

  5. Worked with the Director of Accelerated Programs & Gifted Education to develop plans to address the needs of all gifted learners within the MTSS framework. Set goals and professional learning sessions for the 2023-24 school year. 

  6. Implement EL Education curriculum that supports collaboration, differentiation, and structured literacy.





  1. Decrease the % of students performing in the beginning level on Milestones: 


  1. Pre/Post Milestone Benchmark Results 22-23

See attached.

  1. EIP Exit Criteria Used: 40th percentile or above on iReady and 1-2 additional point other than grades (1 more data point for K-2 such as a rubric or DIBELS and for 3-5 GMAS plus a rubric or DIBELS)

    1. Kdg - 5 students

    2. 1st grade - 2 students

    3. 2nd grade - 1 student

    4. 3rd grade - 3 students

    5. 4th grade - 6 students

    6. 5th grade - 2 students

    7. 2023 Results: 20 students

    8. 2024 Target: 25 students


  1. Decrease the number of students identified for Tier 2 or 3 intervention on the iReady Universal Screener

  • 2023 Results:

Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Duncan Creek ES will expand student opportunities to engage in and have access to high quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum and enrichment activities.

  1. Expand Play2Learn opportunity for families with children ages 0-5 to two classes

  2. Continue to hold K Readiness Night with advertising at area daycares
  3. Expand After School Program available to all families

  4. Continue Multicultural Week and add other monthly activities addressing cultural awareness. 

  5. Enrichment and Intervention opportunities during Hawk Time and other instructional blocks

  6. Career Awareness during morning announcements and through Job Shadow Jr.  

  7. Purposeful connections between work and future careers

  8. Expand the roll of the Parent Liaison

  9. Implement EL Education curriculum using culturally relevant materials for increased student achievement.





1. Increase in % of K Readiness as measured by the KREP

  • 2022 Result: 58% (-3%)

  • 2023 Target: 62%


2. Percent Positive Responses (% Often True + % Almost Always True) on the following EES-STAFF survey items:

  • The school has effective equity practices for all. 

2023 Result: 92% (+6%)

2024 Target: 95%

  • Students are provided tasks that require higher-level thinking skills. 

2023 Result: 92% (+1%)

2024 Target: 95%


 3. Percent Positive Responses (% Often True + % Almost Always True) on the following EES-STUDENT survey items:

  • All students have the opportunity to choose more challenging work.

2023 Result: 39% (-2%)

2024 Target: 42%

  • My teachers find other ways for me to learn things I find difficult. 

2023 Result: 66% (+10%)

2024 Target: 69%

  • My teacher asks questions of all students, not just some students.

2023 Result: 33% (-4%)

2024 Target: 36%

  • Students of all races and genders have the same chance for special classes, activities, and rewards.

2023 Result: 81% (-1%)

2024 Target: 84%


Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System

Duncan Creek ES will utilize the redesigned Results-Based Evaluation System comprised of inputs, behaviors, and outcomes that determine the standards for student success.

  1. Deeper implementation of tiered interventions based on the Multi-Tiered System of Supports as identified by the AIR Rubric

  2. Teacher training to provide additional supports and resources for Tier 1 and Tier 1+ instruction

  3. Collaborative Learning Teams (CLTs) to include assessment protocol, analyzing student work, data reviews/talks, and EL Education implementation





  1. Percentage of students improving on district Milestone benchmarks between 1st and 2nd semester.

2023 Results:

Pre/Post Milestone Benchmark Results 22-23

 See attached. 


      2. Percentage of students scoring Proficient/Distinguished on GMAS: 


  1. Percent Positive Responses (% Often True + % Almost Always True) on the following EES-STUDENT survey items:

  • In class, we often work with other students to solve a problem/do a task.

2023 Result: 34% (+0%)

2024 Target: 37%

  • Work I do in this school is useful and interesting.

2023 Result: 39% (-2%)

2024 Target: 42%

  • My teacher helps me learn by challenging me with interesting activities.

2023 Result: 46% (-10%)

2024 Target: 49%


     4. Percent Positive Responses (% Often True + % Almost Always True) on the following EES-STAFF survey items:

  • My colleagues are willing to be held accountable for student learning.

2023 Result: 94% (+3%)

2024 Target: 97%

Excellence 4.C - World-Class Communication and Engagement

Duncan Creek ES will provide world-class communication and engagement through consistent and transparent communication to build stakeholder trust and confidence.

  1. Increase social media presence to tell “our story”

  2. Increase two-way communication and parent input school initiatives

  3. Utilize Parent Liaison to reach more parents and offer workshops.
  4. Weekly Staff Newsletter

  5. Duncan Creek Monthly Parent Newsletter

  6. PTA Monthly Parent Newsletter

  7. Popsicles with Principal meetings (targeting parents in which English is a second language)

  8. Increase schoolwide implementation of Class Dojo

  9. Revamp format of Curriculum Night to increase parent participation

  10. Solicit feedback and share safety plans for students in trailers. 

  11. Share EL parent letters to assist parents in understanding the new language arts curriculum and how to support students at home. 

  12. Embed QR codes in parent newsletters to solicit feedback and input. 

  13. Implement new ParentSquare app for increased parent communication.





  1. Percent Positive Responses (% Often True + % Almost Always True) on the following EES-FAMILY survey items:

  • I am informed about progress toward the improvement goals of this school.

2023 Result: 79% (+10%)

2024 Target: 82%

  • Parents/families have input into plans for improving the school.

2023 Result: 67% (-6%)

2024 Target: 70%

  • The school communicates with me about my student’s progress.

2023 Result: 82% (-2%)

2024 Target: 85%

  • The school communicates effectively with my family.

2023 Result: 83% (-3%)

2024 Target: 86%


2. Percent Positive Responses (% Often True + % Almost Always True) on the following EES-STUDENT survey items:

  • Student success is celebrated at my school.

2023 Result: 46% (+3%)

2024 Target: 49%

3. Dojo Average Weekly Data:

  • 2023 Results: (Target)

  • Messages sent: 992 (1002)

  • Points Awarded: 13,946 (13,960)

  • Percentage of Positive Feedback: 99% (100%)

  • Stories Shared: 213 (223)

4. Facebook page: 

  • 2023 Results: (Target)

  • # of people who like our page: 882 (892)

  • # of people who follow our page: 962 (972)