How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being
At Lilburn Elementary School, we believe in promoting student and staff wellbeing through prioritizing self-care, physical and mental health, and social-emotional learning.
We have four counselors on staff, one more than is allocated to our school by the district.
We will revise and implement a new attendance program that will improve student attendance.
We will continue to implement Joyful Learning, our school's unique approach to morning work for all students.
All staff will be trained in Restorative Practices.
We will survey all students and staff in order to measure wellness and perceptions.
We will decrease the number of students who miss 20+ and 30+ school days. 20 or more days absent- Baseline: 146 Target: 120 30 or more days absent- Baseline: 80 Target: 70
We will increase the percentage of students and staff who respond positively to survey items in the following domains:
It is essential to implement a comprehensive framework to fully operationalize a multi-tiered system of supports to address academic and non-academic student needs and remove barriers to success.
We will reconfigure our intervention time to allow for both math and literacy support for students.
Our counselors will be strategic in creating and conducting small-group sessions for students' academic and social needs.
We will continue to implement PBIS.
We have an Instructional Coach position. The coach will support teachers during collaborative planning sessions and will provide feedback and support to teachers throughout the school.
We will survey all students and staff in order to measure wellness and perceptions.
Increase opportunities for small group, targeted instruction which supports the effective implementation of the MTSS process and/or provide additional interventions and supports to students.
For this goal, we will measure academic data. Specifically, we will measure student performance on the Georgia Milestones Assessment.
Our goal is to increase the percentage of students reading on grade level or above grade level expectations. 3rd Grade Baseline% 66 Target% 68 4th Grade Baseline% 47 Target% 49 5th Grade Baseline% 57 Target% 59
Math- Our goal is to decrease the percentage of students scoring at the Beginning level. 3rd Grade Baseline% 18 Target% 16 4th Grade Baseline% 30 Target% 28 5th Grade Baseline% 39 Target% 37
English/Language Arts- Our goal is to decrease the percentage of students scoring at the Beginning level. 3rd Grade Baseline% 36 Target% 34 4th Grade Baseline% 38 Target% 36 5th Grade Baseline% 39 Target% 37
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access
At LES, we want to expand student opportunities to engage in and have access to high-quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum, advanced coursework, and enrichment activities.
We will partner with external partners to provide after-school programming opportunities to students.
We will offer both Computer Science and STEM courses to all students.
We will train all staff in Restorative Practices and renew our PBIS training for staff.
We will redesign our New Teacher Induction program to include three years of support.
We will increase our offering of advanced content math courses.
Increase the percentage of Gifted-identified students at LES Baseline: 8% Target: 10%
Increase the number of students served through advanced content math courses Baseline: 65 Target: 75
Minimize the number of discipline referrals resulting in exclusionary consequences Baseline: 22 ISS, 2 OSS Target: Less than 20, total
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System
LES is redesigning the inputs, behaviors, and outcomes that determine the standards for student success as measured by the Results-Based Evaluation System (RBES) to support school improvement and student growth.
We will increase family engagement through our Family Center outreach and school programming.
Our new instructional coach will support effective Tier 1 instruction in all classrooms, including supporting the planning of math and language arts for all grade levels.
We will utilize both academic and behavioral screeners to identify students in need of support and/or enrichment.
We will increase the percentage of staff who respond positively to survey items in the following domains:
Collaboration and Communication Baseline 86% Target 90%
Clear and Shared Focus Baseline 93% Target >90%
Parent and Community Involvement Baseline 89% Target >90%
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Baseline 87% Target >90%
Monitoring of Teaching and Learning Baseline 84% Target 87%
Focused Professional Development Baseline 79% Target 83%
Math- Our goal is to increase the percentage of students scoring at the Proficient and Distinguished levels on the Georgia Milestones Assessment. 3rd Grade Baseline% 45 Target% 47 4th Grade Baseline% 40 Target% 42 5th Grade Baseline% 28 Target% 30
English/Language Arts- Our goal is to increase the percentage of students scoring at the Proficient and Distinguished levels on the Georgia Milestones Assessment. 3rd Grade Baseline% 31 Target% 33 4th Grade Baseline% 27 Target% 29 5th Grade Baseline% 29 Target% 31
Excellence 4.C - World-Class Communication and Engagement
LES wants to promote world-class communication and engagement through modeling transparent, two-way communication to build stakeholder trust and confidence.
We will increase the number of community partners that support our school, and we will recognize them publicly for their work with us.
Through our social media outreach, we will continue to encourage two-way communication and engagement with stakeholders.
We will increase the number of opportunities we offer for families to engage in programming through our Family Center.
We will continue to elevate employee voice through initiatives such as Meet with Mike listening sessions.
We will increase the number of community partners that support our school, and we will recognize them publicly for their work with us. Baseline: 0 Target: 10
We will increase the percentage of families who respond positively to survey items in the following domains:
Collaboration and Communication Baseline 93% Target >90%
Clear and Shared Focus Baseline 90% Target >90%
Parent and Community Involvement Baseline 91% Target >90%
Monitoring of Teaching and Learning Baseline 94% Target >90%
High Standards and Expectations Baseline: 88% Target: 90%
Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity -
We will build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement by implementing the activities identified in The Plan/The Promise.
Provide an opportunity for our community to give feedback related to the types of programming they would like offered through our Family Center.
Offer programming to our community through our Family Center.
Offer academic enrichment nights for families, including nights for math, literacy, and STEM.
Provide families with the opportunity to volunteer at our school through the Family Center.
Number of Family-Centered Evening Classes/Seminars Offered