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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: NORCROSS ELEMENTARY           Principal: Kassia Morris-Sutton

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

At Norcross Elementary, staff and student well being are critical levers to students academic success. An intentional focus on well-being will support us in creating a positive, nurturing environment for students and staff. resulting in belonging and positive student outcomes.


  1. Hire a PBIS Coach 

  2. Provide teacher staff development for Character Strong  SEL lessons during preplanning and the resources for teachers to implement SEL 

  3. Use the Character Strong curriculum for SEL and PBIS

  4. Staff attendance incentives 

  5. Continue to use the PBIS program and begin exploring the Tier 2 PBIS program 

  6. Recognize students for academics and behavior

  7.  Continue to fund  an additional counselor

  8. Continue to provide students the opportunity to use the mindfulness room mindfulness strategies and techniques

  9. Create wellness areas and spaces for staff on the campus 

  10. Redesign Professional Learning Room to create collaborative work spaces and independent work spaces


Percent of students responding positively to the following student wellbeing EES Student Survey items (weighted average):

I feel safe at this school. (Action Steps: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7,8)

SY 2022               51%

SY 2023               51%

Sy Target 2024    59%


I enjoy coming to this school. (Action Steps: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7,8)

SY 2022                 45%

SY 2023                 45%

SY Target 2024     53%

Percent of staff responding positively to the following EES Staff Survey items (weighted average): 

When there is a problem in my school, we talk about how to solve it. (Action Steps: 4, 9, 10)

SY2022                    77%

SY2023                    84%               

SY2024 Target         89%



Percent of teachers responding positively to the following teacher EES Staff Survey items (weighted average):

I incorporate social emotional instruction into my daily instructional delivery. (Action Steps: 4, 9, 10)

SY2022: 72%

SY2023: 91%

SY2024 Target: 95%


Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

At Norcross Elementary, multi-tiered systems of support in behavior and academics are important to meet the diverse needs of our learners to ensure positive student outcomes. We will continue to use our data driven processes to identify students who need acceleration and enrichment in academics and behavior.

  1. Implement MTSS processes with fidelity and use the rubric to determine strengths and areas for growth

  2. Continue meeting monthly as a MTSS Team to review data and make decisions using the tiered strategies and supports; include the PBIS Coach on the team

  3. Continue to Train all staff in MTSS and provide ongoing professional learning of MTSS (focus on strategies within the three tiers)

  4. Continue to  train all staff on Universal Screener and how to use the data to support student learning

  5. Implement 45 minutes of Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) to provide interventions/extensions  (all students have a Synergy course scheduled)

  6. Continue Implementation of EL Education 

  7. Implement the math adoption, GA Reveal, for 3rd - 5th grade

  8. Offer Teaching Academic Language and Content (TALC) to Multilingual Learners

  9. Participate in data talks (screener data, unit assessment, teacher created assessments, and district assessments)

  10. Continue to prioritize small group differentiated instruction for literacy and math

  11. Continue collaborative learning teams (CLT) during common planning time; with an emphasis on instructional practices resulting in academic growth

  12. Participate in district professional learning

  13. Continue to increase staff ESOL and Gifted endorsements


Percent of K Students who are in Tier 1 on iReady Reading (Action Steps: 1-6, 8-14)

SY 2023 Baseline          100% 

SY 2024 Target            50%

Percent of K Students who are in Tier 1 on iReady Reading (Action Steps: 1-6, 8-14)

SY 2023 Baseline          100%    

SY 2024 Target            50%

Percent of 1st Grade Students who are in Tier 1 on iReady Reading (Action Steps: 1-6, 8-14)

SY2023                        38%

SY2024 Target:            43%


Percent of 1st Grade Students who are in Tier 1 on iReady Math (Action Steps: 1-6, 8-14)

SY2023                        33%

SY2024 Target:            43%


Percent of 2nd Grade Students who are in Tier 1 on iReady Reading (Action Steps: 1-6, 8-14)

SY2023                        36%

SY2024 Target:            43%


Percent of 2nd Grade Students who are in Tier 1 on iReady Math (Action Steps: 1-6, 8-14)

SY2023                        23%

SY2024 Target:            33%

Increase the percent of 3rd  graders scoring in the proficient and distigushed levels on the ELA Milestones (Action Steps: 1-14)

SY2023: 20%

SY2024 Target: 30%

Increase the percent of 3rd  graders scoring in the proficient and distigushed levels on the Math Milestones (Action Steps: 1-14)

SY2023: 33%

SY2024 Target: 41%

Increase the percent of 4th graders scoring in the proficient and distigushed levels on the ELA Milestones (Action Steps: 1-14)

SY2023: 14%

SY2024 Target: 24%

Increase the percent of 4th graders scoring in the proficient and distigushed levels on the Math Milestones (Action Steps: 1-14)

SY2023: 36%

SY2024 Target: 44%


Increase the percent of 5th graders scoring in the proficient and distigushed levels on the ELA Milestones (Action Steps: 1-14)

SY2023: 30%

SY2024 Target: 40%

Increase the percent of 5th graders scoring in the proficient and distigushed levels on the Math Milestones (Action Steps: 1-14)

SY2023: 26%

SY2024 Target: 34%

Increase the percent of 5th graders scoring in the proficient and distigushed levels on the Science Milestones (Action Steps: 1-14)

SY2023: 37%

SY2024 Target: 43%


Percent of staff responding positively to the following EES Staff Survey items (weighted average): 

Struggling students receive early intervention and remediation to acquire skills (Action Steps: 3-5)

SY2022: 71%

SY2023: 82%

SY2024: 87%


Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Norcross Elementary will provide the opportunity for students to  access high quality instruction and materials, and to participate in engaging learning activities that complement the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS).

  1. Implement EL Education

  2. Implement GA Reveal in 3rd - 5th grades

  3. Continue to offer the student clubs and field trips to support learning AKS

  4. Use data from various sources to make instructional decisions

  5. Increase number of gifted students using iReady data

  6. Continue to provide families with opportunities to learn about the community and academic supports


Percent of students responding positively to the following student wellbeing EES Student Survey items (weighted average):

Students of all races and genders have the same chance for special classes, activities, and rewards. (Action Steps: 1-6)

SY2022: 81%

SY2023: 74%

SY2024 Target: 79%


Percent of Gifted and Talented Representation (Action Steps: 4, 5)

SY2022: 4%

SY2023: 7%

SY2024 Target: 10%


Percent of families responding positively to the following student wellbeing EES Family Survey items (weighted average):

My student is challenged with a rigorous course of study at this school. (Action Steps: 1-6)

SY2022: 62%

SY2023: 74%

SY2024 Target: 79%


Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System

Norcross Elementary  will work to ensure students are tiered according to the MTSS pyramid (with 85% of students successful at Tier 1) by focusing on effective Tier 1 instruction and sharing of best practices through, collaborative learning teams (CLT), peer observation, coaching and feedback.

  1. Implement a process and system for coaching cycles

  2. Implement a process and system for peer observation

  3. Implement student goal setting K-5 (academic, attendance, or behavior)

  4. Continue to use Collaborative Learning Teams to build teacher capacity in using data to drive instruction

  5. Continue to focus on differentiated instruction for students

  6. Include a 45 minute interventions/extension block 

  7. Invite students to participate in extended learning programs

  8. Participate in district professional learning offerings.

  9. Increase parent engagement and build parents’ capacity to support their child’s academic achievement by providing workshops and other learning opportunities

  10. Teachers will create RBES Goals based on student growth in literacy and math

  11. Participate in national conferences to build the capacity of leaders, counselors and teachers.


Percent of 1st Grade Students who are in Tier 1 on iReady Reading (Action Steps: 1-11)

SY2023                        38%

SY2024 Target:            43%


Percent of 1st Grade Students who are in Tier 1 on iReady Math (Action Steps: 1-11)

SY2023                        33%

SY2024 Target:            43%


Percent of 2nd Grade Students who are in Tier 1 on iReady Reading (Action Steps: 1-11)

SY2023                        36%

SY2024 Target:            43%


Percent of 2nd Grade Students who are in Tier 1 on iReady Math (Action Steps: 1-11)

SY2023                        23%

SY2024 Target:            33%

Percent of 3rd Grade Students who are in Tier 1 on iReady Reading (Action Steps: 1-11)

SY2023                        40%

SY2024 Target:            45%


Percent of 3rd Grade Students who are in Tier 1 on iReady Math (Action Steps: 1-11)

SY2023                        40%

SY2024 Target:            45%


Percent of 4th Grade Students who are in Tier 1 on iReady Reading (Action Steps: 1-11)

SY2023                        28%

SY2024 Target:            35%


Percent of 4th Grade Students who are in Tier 1 on iReady Math (Action Steps: 1-11)

SY2023                        44%

SY2024 Target:            51%


Percent of 5th Grade Students who are in Tier 1 on iReady Reading (Action Steps: 1-11)

SY2023                        36%

SY2024 Target:            43%


Percent of 5th Grade Students who are in Tier 1 on iReady Math (Action Steps: 1-11)

SY2023                        31%

SY2024 Target:            38%


Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity -

We will build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement by implementing the activities identified in The Plan/The Promise.

  1. Increase parent outreach and parent learning opportunities

  2. Increase volunteers 

  3. Increase use of social media and website to communicate information

  4. Build on community and business partnerships  

  5. Increase parent participation in our Local School Council

  6. Establish a Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

  7. Create a Family Engagement lead person on committees/event planning

  8. Increase parent engagement and build parents’ capacity to support their child’s academic achievement by providing workshops and other learning opportunities


Percent of families responding positively to the following student wellbeing EES Family Survey items (weighted average): 

I am encouraged to collaborate with my student’s teachers about my student’s learning (Action Steps: 1, 2, 3, 8)

SY2022 Baseline: 84%

SY2023 Target: 87%


Parents have input into plans for improving this school (Action Steps: 3, 5, 6)

SY2022: 69%

SY2023: 89%

SY2024 Target:  92%

Increase the number of Business Partners (Action Step: 4)

SY2023:  4

SY2024 Target:  7