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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: STRIPLING ELEMENTARY           Principal: Molly McAuliffe

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

Based on community input and leadership team feedback, we believe our school climate is within our locus of control. It is our responsibility to ensure all students feel safe and that they belong so that they can be fully engaged in learning activities. It is our responsibility to ensure teachers have the support they need to create a positive learning environment. 

  1. Professional Learning and implementation of: morning meetings, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Joyful Learning, Restorative Practices
  2. Continuation on Tier 1+ (Operational Level) of our Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) program 
  3. Restructuring of Counseling lessons and supports to focus on SEL 
  4. Increase the number of after school Clubs & Activities for students 
  5. Integration of SEL into all classrooms, including Humanities

EES Survey Data

Action Steps 1-5 - Student Wellbeing: 

  • I enjoy coming to this school. (Baseline = 39% positive; Goal = 50%) 
  • I feel safe at this school. (Baseline = 41% positive; Goal = 50%)

Action Step 1 - Staff Support:

  • I receive training on instruction to support social emotional learning. (Baseline = 82% positive; Goal = 90%) 
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

Based on our school needs assessment and instructional leadership team conversations, we believe a well-defined and executed multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) must be in place in order to reach and teach every child. 

  1. MTSS Implementation Team regularly scheduled meetings 
  2. MTSS Team professional learning on interventions (e.g. Fundations, Just Words, mCLASS, Wilson, LLI, Spire, etc.) 
  3. MTSS Team professional learning on and implementation of MTSS processes (i.e. data conversations, Student Support Team meetings, Kid Talks) 
  4. Schoolwide continued use of and professional learning on instructional technology tools that support student learning (e.g. Imagine Learning, Amplify, iReady, etc.) 
  5. Intervention/Enrichment (I/E) block in the master schedule and training for staff on how to use it effectively 
  6. Use of Assessment Tools (Dibels 8, iReady, etc.) for screening 
  7. Extended Learning Time program with targeted AKS support in Language Arts and Math

Action Steps 1-7 - iReady Screener Data:

  • Reduce percentage of students scoring "At Risk for Tier 3" in Language Arts and Math by the end of the 23-24 school year by 8% over the previous year. 
School Year Beginning of Year ELA End of Year ELA Beginning of Year Math End of Year Math
2022-23 Actual 44% 30% 39% 23%
2023-24 Goal N/A 22% N/A 15%


Action Steps 1-7 - GMAS Data:

  • Reduce percentage of students scoring in the "Beginning category" on the ELA and Math Milestones by the end of the 23-24 school year by 8% over the previous year. 
ELA Baseline: SY22-23 Goal: SY23-24
3rd Grade 56% 48%
4th Grade 46% 38%
5th Grade 50% 42%


Math Baseline: SY22-23 Goal: SY23-24
3rd Grade 34% 26%
4th Grade 38% 30%
5th Grade 55% 47%
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Based on our school needs assessment and conversations with our instructional leadership team, we believe each and every student deserves access to a high quality curriculum and rigorous/relevant coursework and enrichment activities.

  1. Continued professional Learning for all K-5 reading/writing teachers on EL curriculum materials 
  2. Instructional Coaching Cycles 
  3. Peer Observations & Feedback 
  4. Collaborative Learning Teams utilizing the Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle 
  5. Gifted referral and identification process 
  6. Implementation of a STEM program for all students and Professional Learning for teachers on STEM PBL
  7. Continuation of our Computer Science for All initiative 
  8. Committee meetings focused on providing enrichment and culturally relevant activities 
  9. Use of Assessment Tools (e.g. iReady, etc.)

Action Steps 1-9 - GMAS Data:

  • Increase percentage of students reading on grade level on the ELA Milestones by 8% over the previous year. 
% of Students Reading on Grade Level SY 22-23 Baseline SY 23-24 Goal
3rd Grade 48% 56%
4th Grade 44% 52%
5th Grade 50% 58%


Action Steps 1-9 - DA Data:

  • Increase percentage of students scoring in the "Mastered" and "Review" categories on the End-of-Year District Assessments by 8% over the previous year. 
  • Increase percentage of students scoring in the "Proficient" and "Distinguished" categories on the District Milestones Benchmark by 8% over the previous year. 

EOY DAs % of Students Scoring in Mastered/Review

SY 22-23 Baseline SY 23-24 Goal
1st Grade ELA 56% 64%
1st Grade Math 83% 91%
2nd Grade ELA 38% 46%
2nd Grade Math 46% 54%
3rd Grade Science 23% 31%
3rd Grade Social Studies 20% 28%
4th Grade Science 43% 51%
4th Grade Social Studies 51% 59%
5th Grade Social Studies 51% 59%


Milestones Benchmark % of Students Scoring Proficient/Distinguished SY 22-23 Baseline SY 23-24 Goal
3rd Grade ELA 15% 23%
3rd Grade Math 26% 34%
4th Grade ELA 21% 29%
4th Grade Math 25% 33%
5th Grade ELA 26% 34%
5th Grade Math 16% 24%
5th Grade Science 12% 20%


Action Steps 5 & 9 - Gifted/Talented Representation: 

  • Increase the percentage of students served in the Gifted/Talented program by the end of the 23-24 school year by 3%. 
Gifted/Talented SY 22-23 Baseline SY 23-24 Goal
% of Students Served 3% 6%


Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System

By utilizing the RBES as a school, we can work to get our MTSS pyramid toward a pyramid shape (with 80% of students successful at Tier 1) by focusing on effective Tier 1 instruction and harnessing the power of peer observation and feedback. 

  1. Focus on effective Tier 1 instruction (i.e. EL curriculum, balanced numeracy, etc.)
  2. MTSS Implementation Team 
  3. Peer observations (learning walks) schedule, feedback form, and debriefs 
  4. Collaborative Learning Teams utilizing the Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle
  5. Teachers attending district-supported professional learning opportunities 


Action Steps 1-5 - DA Data:

  • Increase percentage of students scoring in the "Mastered" and "Review" categories on the End-of-Year District Assessments by 8% over the previous year. 
  • Increase percentage of students scoring in the "Proficient" and "Distinguished" categories on the District Milestones Benchmark by 8% over the previous year. 

*See Goal 2.B for the data charts

Action Steps 3 & 4 - Learning Walks Data:

  • Number of peer learning walks completed per certified teacher to support instructional practice; Baseline = 2; Goal = 4 
Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination

Based on our needs assessment and discussions with our instructional leadership team, Stripling Elementary will become a preferred education destination for students, parents, and employees of Gwinnett County by continuing to focus on a positive school climate and improved student achievement. 

  1. Increase the number of after school Clubs & Activities for students
  2. Effective Tier I instruction (e.g. EL curriculum implementation, etc.) 
  3. Effective intervention and acceleration for all students 
  4. Career Week activities 
  5. Student leadership and mentoring programs (e.g. Everybody Wins!, BLAST, Paul Duke mentors, etc.) 
  6. Committee events focused on providing enrichment and culturally relevant activities

Action Steps 2 & 3 - GMAS Data:

  • Increase percentage of students scoring in the "Proficient" and "Distinguished" categories on the Milestones by 8% over the previous year. 
% of Students Scoring Proficient/Distinguished on GMAS SY 22-23 Baseline SY 23-24 Goal
3rd Grade ELA 17% 25%
3rd Grade Math 21% 29%
4th Grade ELA 22% 30%
4th Grade Math 23% 31%
5th Grade ELA 21% 29%
5th Grade Math 19% 27%
5th Grade Science 19% 27%


Action Steps 1-6 - EES Survey Data

Employee Satisfaction:

  • Staff at all levels are treated fairly here. (Baseline = 78% positive; Goal = 88%)

Student Satisfaction: 

  • Student success is celebrated in this school. (Baseline = 45% positive; Goal = 55%) 
Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity -

We will build our care-givers' capacity to support their children's academic achievement by implementing the activities identified in The Plan/The Promise.

  1. Family and Community Engagement Workshops focused on supporting our LSPI (e.g. PBIS workshop, Literacy workshop, Math workshop, ESOL workshop, etc.)
  2. School committees focused on developing and implementing culturally relevant extracurricular and family engagement activities (e.g. International Night, STEM Night, etc.)
  3. Continued partnership with the PTA 


Action Steps 1-3 - EES Survey Participation from Families

  • Baseline - 51 participants; Goal - 75; increase participation by 50%

Action Steps 1-3 - Title I Family Engagement Event Surveys and Feedback 

  • Analyze qualitative feedback from Title I family engagement surveys and implement suggestions