District Strategic Priorities/Goals | Rationale | Action Steps (Implementation Design) |
How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets) |
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being | Continue efforts to build an intentional, well-established, exemplary social and emotional learning (SEL) program that |
Teachers will participate in professional learning on Social Emotional Learning, Restorative Practices, and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). During morning meetings, classroom teachers will incorporate SEL lessons based on the Character Strong curriculum to provide students with the opportunities for skill development and refinement. Teachers will implement Joyful Learning, a play based morning routine, and Clubs for All to engage students in opportunities to build relationships and practice their social emotional tools.. The new teacher mentoring program at White Oak Elementary will work with both academic and social/emotional mentors to support new teachers with self care and to build a supportive community across grade levels. We embed opportunities for collaboration and team building in intentional structured, engaging activities to promote staff well-being and positive relationships. Our new Parent Liaison will work to build the bridge between the school and the stakeholders within the community. |
Belonging and Engagement Theme-SES Survey Baseline 56% Percent Positive 23-24 Target 61% Percent Positive
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports | High-quality Tier 1 instruction, screening, and intervention for all students that includes targeted small groups, grade-level curriculum, ongoing formative assessments, and progress monitoring as well as build capacity to support and fully integrate non-academic Tier 1 structures and processes such as school-wide positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS), SEL curriculum/ competencies, attendance campaigns, school counseling programs, etc. |
White Oak Elementary will continue to implement a Multi Tiered System of Supports (MTSS). MTSS utilizes data and instruction to address students’ academic ( academic press) and non academic needs (supportive community). Rubrics are utilized to determine the effectiveness of the MTSS structure. Academic Press Student learning is supported during weekly literacy collaborative learning team(CLT) planning, where teachers unfold district curriculum and instructional resources, with a focus on Structured Literacy. Math collaborative planning will follow this same structure, with an emphasis on implementing new math standards. Classroom teachers create instructional frameworks that incorporate the AKS, quality plus teaching strategies, and align with the GCPS instructional calendars. Reading and math data are analyzed and disaggregated to determine the next steps for planning and instruction. Implementing a balanced assessment system allows teachers to gather multiple measures of students’ performance through classroom, interim, and summative assessments. WIDA Standards training ensures that multilingual students are getting the support they need to increase their English proficiency. Supportive Community Students’ non academic needs are supported through a comprehensive school counseling program that incorporates an active school wide attendance plan designed to keep students in school. Social emotional lesson(SEL)practices are integrated within classroom instruction through purposeful and targeted SEL lesson plans. Students’ behavior needs are addressed through continued positive behavior intervention and support(PBIS) implementation as well as restorative practice strategies that are available to all students. |
Increase the percentage of 3rd-5th grade students scoring in the Distinguished level on the ELA Georgia Milestones Assessment Increase the percentage of 3rd-5th grade students scoring in the Distinguished level on the Math Georgia Milestones Assessment Decrease the percentage of 3rd-5th grade students scoring in the Beginning and Developing level on the ELA Georgia Milestones Assessment Decrease the percentage of 3rd-5th grade students scoring in the Beginning and Developing level on the Math Georgia Milestones Assessment % of students missing more than 10 days. White Oak ES will be recognized as an Emerging PBIS school for the 2023-2024 school year. |
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access | It is critical that each and every student has the opportunity to engage in a rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum that extends and enriches their learning experience during the school day. |
White Oak students will engage in an integrated science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) curriculum that is driven by problem solving, discovery, exploratory project/problem-based learning, and student-centered development of ideas and solutions that cultivates curiosity, promotes problem solving skills, and inspires innovation that positively impacts the community, resulting in high levels of student achievement and students who are thinkers, learners, and leaders prepared for their future. During Play to Learn, participating parents and children age birth to five will meet once a week for 90 minutes with a certified teacher to learn how to nurture children’s foundational skill development. All students at White Oak will participate in “Clubs for All”with the goal of giving each and every student the opportunity to engage in a rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum that extends and enriches their learning experience during the school day. We also emphasize building relationships with adults that care by making the club groups small. We have many amazing clubs that are led by our staff, our Mayor, City Councilman, and the Sugar Hill Marshalls. Club themes range from Board Games, Video Production, Indian Dance, Karaoke, Explore Sugar Hill, Sports, Art, Stuffed Animals, and so many more. White Oak will host an after school program, Right at School, to provide affordable, education focused after school care for our students. In the program, homework is done first and then they explore a great big universe of learning activities, focusing on skills and subjects that help kids succeed in school.
Increase the number of families participating in the Play to Learn program during the 23-24 school year. Baseline-11 Families Goal-14 Families 100% of our students will participate in club opportunities and STEM instruction provided during the day. |
Effectiveness 3.B - Talent Management | Teacher retention is critical to school success. An increasing number of new teachers are joining our staff and it is essential to support them so they feel a part of the White Oak community and want to stay here. Veteran teachers need the opportunity for leadership development, as it leads to retention and increased job satisfaction. Additionally, the staff survey data indicates that there have been missed opportunities for teachers to learn from their peers as strategies and initiatives have been implemented. |
White Oak Elementary’s lead mentors will attend professional development and participate in year 2 of Mentor Gwinnett to develop and enhance White Oak Elementary’s new teacher mentor program. New teachers will meet weekly with their academic (grade level) mentors for support with AKS, QPTS, and any other needed academic support. New teachers will also meet with their SEL mentors for social and emotional support, and self care as needed. New teachers (year 1 and 2) and paraprofessionals will have opportunities to observe other teachers and settings across the school building for learning opportunities and best practices. Stay interviews will be conducted with staff in order to target retention and staff well-being. White Oak teachers will participate in a Retention Focus Teacher Leadership Program with Rebecca Carlisle, former GCPS Teacher of the Year, and assistant director of Recruitment and Retention. Research shows that developing a formalized Teacher Leadership pipeline is key to increasing teacher and student achievement. Teacher Leadership is the process by which highly effective and empowered teachers serve as catalysts to facilitate continuous improvement resulting in an enhanced culture of teacher engagement, student learning, and achievement. |
EES Staff Survey-Focused Professional Development Peer observation/ coaching and feedback is a tool we use to improve instruction.
Excellence 4.C - World-Class Communication and Engagement | Improve two-way communication, engagement, and outreach that connect the community, the schools, and the district office. |
White Oak will utilize two-way communication opportunities for students, staff, and parents/community, including the implementation of Parent Square. White Oak will launch a new social media campaign to include the Facebook and Instagram platforms. The White Oak Parent Liaison will focus on family engagement with the goal of building the capacity of parents/family members to support student success. Family Engagement workshops as well as daily ongoing individualized supports will be a part of our engagement plan. White Oak staff will utilize technology, translation services, and bilingual staff to engage families in multiple languages.
100% of certified teachers will be trained on Parent Square. 100% of our families will receive communication via Parent Square in their preferred language. 300 Followers of the White Oak Facebook Page 150 Followers of the White Oak Instagram Page Creation of White Oak Elementary Facebook page with a minimum of 4 posts per week. Creation of White Oak Elementary Instagram page with a minimum of 4 posts per week. |