How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being
Based on the Educational Effectiveness Survey (EES), Berkeley Lake Elementary School (BLES) students scored lower in Social Emotional Learning (SEL) categories related to feeling connected to school, their abilities to solve problems, and their feelings of safety at school.
Implement and/or expand programs that increase student recognition for school success.
Increase student capacity for problem solving
Help students feel a connection with at least one adult in the building and increase perception of student physical, emotional, and academic safety
Continue with Trauma-Informed teaching practices and restorative practices in the classroom (on-going professional learning throughout the year)
Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity - Continue to offer parent workshops with counselors focused on student well-being
EES Survey – Student
Most students are respectful of each other. - 20% (TARGET: 22%)
In class, we often work with other students to solve a problem/do a task. - 29% (TARGET: 31%)
EES Survey – Staff
I believe all students can meet state standards. - 60% (TARGET - 62%)
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports
A multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) is a proactive and preventative framework that allows us to integrate data and instruction to maximize student achievement and support students’ social, emotional, and behavior needs from a strengths-based perspective.
Maintain a team to monitor and provide additional student support
Work with district behavior coach to support teachers in classroom management strategies
Continue to administer the universal screener to all students
Designate two days a week for formalized CLT meetings to support effective Tier 1 instruction.
Have CLT leads complete the Collaborative Learning Teams rubric to reflect on the effectiveness of their meetings and determine areas of strength and growth.
Use data from universal screener to plan supports/enrichment for all students
Continue to train staff on intervention tools to be used during EIP segments and remediation/enrichment block
Identify students who need additional testing (gifted/intervention)
Utilize Data Digs, Data Talks, and protocols with District Assessment and iReady data to maximize student achievement
Refer to MTSS Air Rubric in the beginning, middle, and end of the year to determine strengths and areas of growth in our process.
Use release days, digital learning days, and summer planning days to increase opportunities for CLTs to collaborate and effectively plan.
Increase opportunities for small group, targeted instruction which supports the effective implementation of the MTSS process and/or provide additional interventions and supports to students.
Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity - continue to offer family workshops focused on instructional support at home.
Reduce the number of students absent 11 days or more. 180 (TARGET: 175)
Milestones ELA on Reading Status 22-23 (3rd grade):
All Students: 68.2% reading on grade level or above (TARGET: 70.2%)
Student Groups:
ELL - 46% reading on grade level or above (TARGET: 48%)
Free Meals - 50% reading on grade level or above (TARGET: 52%)
SWD - 25% reading on grade level or above (TARGET: 27%)
Black - 66.7% reading on grade level or above (TARGET: 68.7%)
Hispanic - 50.9% reading on grade level or above (TARGET: 52.9%)
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access
Berkeley Lake ES supports the Board of Superintendent’s vision of expanded opportunity and access.
Increase the number of underrepresented students in the Gifted & Talented Program
Increase the enrichment opportunities for gifted and high-achieving students
Implement evidence-based strategies, including PBIS, to reduce disruptions to learning resulting from exclusionary discipline actions
Grow implementation of Trauma-Sensitive School (TSS) initiative
Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity - continue to offer family workshops to support enrichment/remediation in the home.
Increased number of Black and Hispanic students in the Gifted and Talented program.
Black - 7.87% (16% of school population). TARGET: - 9.87%
Hispanic - 10.24% (45% of school population). TARGET: 12.24%.
2%+ decrease in ODRs
All students - 46 (TARGET: 45 or fewer)
Effectiveness 3.B - Talent Management
Berkeley Lake ES aims to create an environment that attracts and retains high-quality teachers through opportunities for professional growth, leadership, and community.
Partner with Mentor Gwinnett to increase supports for new teachers
Provide professional learning opportunities for all staff members
Expand leadership opportunities for staff
Expand opportunities for teacher voice and shared leadership practices
Continue to plan and offer opportunities to promote community amongst all staff members
Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity - Promote school commuity through Family Engagement Nights and Family-friendly functions.
EES Survey – Staff
Support from my principal leads to instructional improvement (or professional growth). - 56% (TARGET - 57%)
My principal/administrator cares about me as a person - 62% (TARGET 63%)
Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale (New Teacher Induction)
Increase in overall average score on the Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale
Student Engagement - 8.1/10
Instructional Strategies - 8/10
Behavior Management - 8.2/10
Excellence 4.C - World-Class Communication and Engagement
Parent, student, and community engagement is key to BLES meeting supportive community and academic press goals. BLES has a diverse study body who speak many languages at home. 39% of our students are English-Language learners. Clear communication about school logistics and student progress, in the parents’ primary language, is essential toward building a partnership for student success.
Ensure consistency across classrooms in regard to family communication using ParentSquare
Continue to utilize Smore and ParentSquare to distribute weekly newsletters to families (Bear Essentials) and staff (Bugle)
Increase participation in the EES Family survey by offering more opportunities to complete the survey in the local school
Grow audience of "Coffee and Conversation" online
Increase opportunities for family/community feedback through surveys and 2-way communication
Increase access to school information through utilization of Parent Square
Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity - Create a welcoming environment for all families to increase participation in family engagement events, opportunities for feedback, and local school support.
Increase family participation in the EES survey.
All Families - 17.7% (TARGET: 20%)
EES Survey – Families
I feel comfortable expressing my ideas or concerns to the administrators of the school - 55% (TARGET - 56%)