District Strategic Priorities/Goals | Rationale | Action Steps (Implementation Design) |
How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets) |
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being | Summerour Middle School believes that academic press cannot take place without supportive community. We acknowledge the importance of overall wellbeing for students and staff in supporting high levels of learning. |
Action Steps 1-3 Student and Staff EES survey: Goal: Increase % of students who answer positively on this survey by 10%
Attendance data - Goal: Reduce the number of students with 15 or more absences at EOY by 20%
Student grades - ABC Report - Goal: Reduce number of students with Course flag by 20% by Dec/May
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports | Summerour Middle School is committed to identifying and removing barriers to success for our students. This includes matching student needs with the necessary support in literacy, numeracy, and behavior within a tiered system. |
Action Steps 1-4 Reduce the % of students scoring at the Beginning level on Milestones by 20% or more.
Action Step 4 Increase % of students moving 1 Performance Band on Access by 10%.
Action Step 1 Screener Reading/Math - Reduce the % of students who are 3 or more Grade Levels behind by 20%.
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access | Summerour Middle School students deserve the very best education. This includes access to a variety of programs, curriculum, and experiences that help develop well-rounded, critically-minded learners |
Action Step 1-3 Gifted testing - using iReady and CoGAT screener - # of students tested/identified
EES Survey Data
Achievement Data - Increase students P/D on Interim and Post by 10%
Discipline/PBIS Data
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System | Summerour Middle School believes that evaluation systems should center around student success through a lens of academic growth, high quality professional learning for staff, engaging grade level instruction in every classroom, and authentic assessment. |
Action Step 1-3 Local Common Assessment Data (See attachment) GMAS Data - Increase % of students who score Proficient and Distinguished on Milestones Assessment
Staff Development Surveys - Increase % of teachers who have implemented practices within their classroom.
Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination | As an International Baccalaureate school, Summerour is committed to providing a quality education for students. We create a culture of trust, empathy, and respect that promotes family and faculty engagement toward better performance outcomes.
Action Steps 1-2 Milestones Data (%P/D) - See Goal 4 Family Perception Results - My child is challenged with a rigorous course of study at this school.
EES Survey - Work at this school is useful and interesting to me.