How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being
Lanier Middle School believes in promoting student and staff wellbeing through prioritizing self-care, physical and mental health, and social emotional learning.
Principal’s Student Advisory Committee - Lanier Middle School will work to enhance student voice through the continuation of a student committee aimed to inform school decisions and practices.
PBIS - Lanier Middle School will continue to recognize, celebrate, and model positive behaviors of students.
Strategic Priorities Professional Learning - Lanier Middle School will build the capacity of school personnel to lead students as guided by the four strategic priorities as outlined in Our Blueprint for the Future. Specially, all faculty will be trained in both Social Emotional Learning and Tier 1 Restorative Practices over the course of the 2023-24 school year.
Character Strong Advisement Curriculum - In combination with community circles and intracurricular clubs, Lanier Middle School students will engage in CASEL aligned advisement lessons.
EES Staff Question:“I receive training on instruction to support social emotional learning.” Baseline: 58% positive response Goal: 75% positive response
Lanier Middle School believes in the implementation of a comprehensive framework to fully operationalize a multi-tiered system of supports to address academic and non-academic student needs will result in removing barriers to success.
Academic Supports - Lanier Middle School will accelerate learning as a means to close achievement gaps through the use of i-Ready, Amplify, Achieve 3000, Read 180, and REP Programming during a revised use of its CQI period. Additionally, the MTSS Coordinator will monitor the performance of students scoring in the "beginning" learning performance band on the 2022-23 GMAS in Language Arts and Math throughout the school year in order to match students with appropriate interventions throughout the school year.
Data Review - Following each district assessment, teachers will participate in data review protocols that will result in adjustments to instruction and specific intervention for students demonstrating learning needs.
Behavior Intervention - Lanier Middle School will continue to refine the Student Intervention Center to implement restorative practices as well as assign/train specific teachers in early behavior intervention as a response to minor discipline behaviors. Additionally, faculty and staff will be trained in restorative practices to respond to student behaviors with positive impact.
Universal Screeners - Lanier Middle School will administer academic and wellness universal screeners to students to provide early intervention and acceleration.
Decrease the “% beginning” on Milestones Assessments: Baseline 2022-23: 6LA – 13.6% 7LA – 17.3% 8LA – 13.3% 6MA – New Course/No Baseline 7MA – New Course/No Baseline 8MA – New Course/No Baseline Enhanced EOC – New Course/No Baseline HS Physical Science – 20.9% Georgia Studies – 11.0%
Reduce the percentage of students whose behavior results in multiple incidents of exclusionary discipline: Baseline: 2.5% of the school enrollment demonstrated behavior resulting in multiple incidents of exclusionary discipline in 2022-23. Goal: Reduce by 20% or more
Percentage of students participating in academic and wellness universal screeners: Academic Goal: 95%+ Wellness Goal: 95%+
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access
Lanier Middle School believes that expanding student opportunities to engage in and access high-quality, rigorous, and enrichment activities maximizes and enhances the educational experience.
Gifted Identification - Lanier Middle School will use data from universal screeners to aid in identifying students who qualify for gifted services shifting from the use of MAP Growth to iReady as the primary screener.
STEM - Lanier Middle School will work to complete State STEM recertification to continue to provide STEM programming at the highest level.
Student Clubs - Lanier MS will continue to provide an opportunity for all students to participate in club offerings before, during or after school.
Increase the percentage students qualifying for gifted services in all student groups served at Lanier Middle School. Gifted and Talented Baseline: 23% Goal: 26% or greater
Gifted and Talented percentages by student groups (May 2023): Asian: 47.20% Black: 17.23% Hispanic: 13.69% Multi-Racial: 21.13% White: 35.54%
Maintain the number of students who participate in before, during, and after school clubs and activities. Baseline: 100% Goal: 100%
Effectiveness 3.B - Talent Management
Lanier Middle School continuously works to evaluate current professional development efforts to identify strengths and opportunities as a means of strengthening our work with students.
Collaborative Learning Teams - Lanier Middle School will strengthen content team collaboration by focusing on the AKS alignment and rigor for lessons planned for students with teams continuing to analyze formative and summative assessment data to inform instructional decisions.
Professional Learning - Lanier Middle School faculty learning specific revisions to Quality-Plus Teaching Strategies.
Leadership Development - Lanier Middle School will establish its first local leadership academy for the purpose of continuing to connect faculty with opportunities for leadership both inside and outside of the classroom.
New Teacher Program - Lanier Middle School will strengthen its New Teacher Program by establishing a mentor development program and providing targeted support for those teachers new to education and experienced teachers new to Lanier Middle School.
Increase the “% proficient and distinguished” on Milestones Assessments: Baseline 2022-23: 6LA – 64.55% 7LA – 58.99% 8LA – 64.64% 6MA – New Course/No Baseline 7MA – New Course/No Baseline 8MA – New Course/No Baseline Enhanced EOC – New Course/No Baseline HS Physical Science – 57.08% Georgia Studies – 61.51%
Excellence 4.C - World-Class Communication and Engagement
Lanier Middle School strives to improve communication, engagement, and outreach that connect the community and the school.
Parent Engagement - Lanier Middle School will engage parents and guardians through events throughout the school year to include events planned for our Spanish-Speaking community, All Pro Dad, and iMom. Additionally, Lanier Middle School Parent Liaison will hold parent education/engagement sessions monthly.
Family Communication - Lanier Middle School will continue to use social media and a weekly newsletter to celebrate accomplishments and communicate critical information to families. Additionally, Lanier Middle School will support two-way communication between the school and home through the implementation of the ParentSquare platform.
Early Release Conference Championship - Lanier Middle School will continue to engage families in conferences by innovating approaches to conferencing.
Cluster Engagement - Lanier Middle School will engage stakeholders in cluster events and celebrations to include an All Pro Dad Kickoff, Cluster Showcase, and International Night in collaboration with the City of Sugar Hill.
PTSA Growth - Lanier Middle School will support its PTSA in recruiting and developing leaders and encouraging membership.
Participation in the EES Family survey will show improvement: Baseline: 197 completed surveys Goal: 300 completed surveys
EES Family Survey Characteristic: Parent & Community Involvement: Baseline: 66% positive responses Goal: 75% or greater positive responses
Lanier Middle School will increase Instagram and Facebook followers: Baseline: 2139 combined followers Goal: 2400 combined followers
Increase the percentage of students who have at least one parent/guardian with a parent portal account: Baseline: 94.4% Goal: 96% or greater
Increase the number of early release parent conferences: Baseline: 725 conference Goal: 740 or more conferences