How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.A - Cultural Competence
Five Forks Middle School is committed to creating a culture where staff and students feel a sense of belonging and safety. We will strive to increase the cultural competence and proficiency of our organization and individual staff members to improve service delivery, strengthen programs, and enhance engagement across the full spectrum of our diverse community.
Create a 23-24 Principal Advisory Council made up of students from grades 6-8.
Hold daily Morning Meetings (SEL) with students.
Design and implement Advisement lessons, PBIS lessons, and SEL lessons to further grow and enhance a positive and healthy school culture.
Offer a variety of clubs and extracurricular activities that will cultivate an environment of inclusion for our diverse student body.
Host events that highlight/recognize/engage families from all ethnic/cultural backgrounds. Utilize the "Culture Club" made up of staff and students to help create these events.
Offer ongoing professional development for all staff members in the area of Supportive Community.
Baseline Data: Student Educational Effectiveness Surveys (EES) with the "Supportive Learning Environments" characteristic indicate the following areas for improvement:
I enjoy coming to this school. (42% positive responses)
Most students are respectful of one another in this school. (33% positive responses)
I feel proud of my school. (54% positive responses)
Target: Increase these specific areas by 3% minimum.
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports
Five Forks Middle School recognizes that not all students learn in the same way or at the same time. We will implement a comprehensive framework to fully operationalize a multi-tiered system of supports to address academic and non-academic student needs and remove barriers to success.
The MTSS team consisting of administrators, counselors and teacher leaders will oversee supports and interventions for both academic and behavior.
The Tier 2 PBIS/Restorative practices team that will track behavioral data and develop targeted interventions specific to the needs of those students. The PBIS program will also encourage and reward positive behavior through Bronco Bucks and Positive Behavior Referrals.
Utilize universal screeners to identify students who need additional academic and/or emotional support.
Ensure high quality Tier 1 instruction for all students that includes targeted small groups. Planning for this will take place during weekly PLCs.
Use ongoing formative assessments to remediate and enrich instruction.
Continue to implement our Reteaching and Reassessment plan to ensure mastery of the AKS.
Baseline Data: Student Responses to Educational Effectiveness Surveys (EES) identifies the following areas for improvement:
My teachers find other ways for me to learn difficult things. (64% positive responses)
My teachers often tell me how I am doing in their class. (57% positive responses)
Target for ESS: Improve each area by a minimum of 3%.
Baseline Data: Discipline Dashboard from 22-23 SY
·Increase the number of students receiving non-exclusionary incidents from 5.5% to 8.5%.
·Decrease the number of students receiving ISS from 8.9% to 6.9%.
·Decrease the number of students receiving OSS from 4.5% to 3.5%.
Baseline Data: Universal Screeners: Fall 2023 coming soon
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access
Five Forks Middle School seeks to expand student opportunities that will allow them to engage in and have access to high quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum, advanced coursework (e.g. Advanced Placement and dual enrollment), and enrichment activities (e.g. the arts, gifted, STEM, career technical education).
Review academic data along with the universal screeners to identify additional students for gifted evaluation.
Incorporate problem-based and project-based learning activities in math and science classes.
Continue to implement our Reteaching and Reassessment plan to ensure mastery of the AKS.
Continue to identify students for EOC courses - Spanish, Foundations of Engineering, Biology, and Math locally and partner with the Foreign Language Programs at the high school for students to take courses there.
Baseline Data: Student Responses to Educational Effectiveness Surveys (EES) identifies the following areas for improvement:
My teachers find other ways for me to learn difficult things. (64% positive responses)
My teachers often tell me how I am doing in their class. (57% positive responses)
Target for ESS: Improve each area by a minimum of 3%.
Targets for Local and District Data - 80% or more students will score 75% or higher on locally created and district summative assessments.
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System
Five Forks Middle School is committed to our Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) in which all teachers and administrators are actively engaged in collaborative planning for high level, quality plus Tier 1 learning for all students. We will continuously evaluate the impact of teaching and learning on student progress, and work together to determine the next instructional moves and interventions to support each and every student.
Utilize our weekly PLCs to plan lessons, create common formative and summative assessments, analyze data and determine next instructional moves that will ensure student mastery of the AKS. This work will be guided, in part, by our FFMS Instructional Framework.
Provide just-in-time professional development to teacher leaders on our Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) to ensure cohesiveness throughout all grades/content levels.
Conduct paired walkthroughs with members of the administrative team to calibrate observations, ratings, and feedback that will result in improved learning and student achievement. We will use the LSPI
Implement a robust peer observation program where teachers conduct quarterly classroom observations with specific lookfors and provide feedback to colleagues.
Targets for Local and District Data - 80% or more students will score 75% or higher on locally created and district summative assessments.
GMAS Data --Increase levels of Proficient and Distinguished for LA and Math in all grades - See Attachment
Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination
Five Forks Middle School is committed to being the preferred education destination and first choice of students and families for excellent schools as well as the employer of choice for educators and staff to fulfill their careers.
Create a 23-24 SY Principal Advisory Committee to hear student voices in order to strengthen programs and enhance cultural awareness.
Host events that highlight/recognize/engage families from all ethnic/cultural backgrounds. Utilize the "Culture Club" made up of staff and students to help create these events.
Continue to use a multitude of platforms to communicate to stakeholders - Parent Square, our website, social media platforms, weekly newsletter, etc.
Baseline Data from 22-23 Parent EES Survey:
I feel welcome at this school. (81% positive responses)
Adults in this school value and respect my racial/cultural identity. (81% positive responses)
My student enjoys going to school. (68% positive responses)
Target for these specific areas: Increase or maintain